Harvey, Eleanor J. 1960-
Harvey, Eleanor J. 1960-
Born September 20, 1960, in Washington, DC; daughter of Charles Roy, Jr. (a lawyer) and Margaret (a teacher) Jones; married Stephen Harvey (a government employee), October 10, 1992; children: Caroline Lanier, Duncan Shepperd. Education: University of Virginia, B.A., 1983; Yale University, M.A., 1985, Ph.D., 1998.
Home—Arlington, VA. Office— Smithsonian American Art Museum, MTC 970, P.O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012. E-mail— harveye@si.edu.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, assistant curator, 1989-91; Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX, curator of American art, 1992-2002; Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, chief curator, 2003—.
College Art Association of America, American Association of Museums, Texas Art Collectors Organization.
Henry Russell Hitchcock Book Award, Victorian Society in America, 1999, for The Painted Sketch: American Impressions from Nature, 1830-1880.
(With Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr., and others) The Lure of Italy: American Artists and the Italian Experience, 1760-1914, Harry N. Abrams (New York, NY), 1992.
The Painted Sketch: American Impressions from Nature, 1830-1880, Harry N. Abrams (New York, NY), 1998.
(With Jean Clair and others) Cosmos, from Goya to de Chirico, from Friedrich to Kiefer: Art in Pursuit of the Infinite, Bompiani/RCS Media Group (Milan, Italy), 2000.
Thomas Moran and the Spirit of Place, Dallas Museum of Art (Dallas, TX), 2001.
The Voyage of the Icebergs: Frederic Church's Arctic Masterpiece, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 2002.
(With Kevin Avery, Frank Kelly, and Heidi Applegate) Hudson River School Visions: The Landscapes of Sanford R. Gifford, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 2003.
Contributor to art journals, including Southwest Art, Magazine Antiques, and American Art Review.
Library Journal, October 15, 1998, Jack Perry Brown, review of The Painted Sketch: American Impressions from Nature, 1830-1880, p. 64.