Hansen, Barbara 1935- (Barbara Louise Hansen)

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Hansen, Barbara 1935- (Barbara Louise Hansen)


Born September 27, 1935, in Indianapolis, IN; daughter of Joseph (a teacher and accountant) and Ruth (a homemaker and accountant) Hansen. Education: Ball State University, B.S., 1963, M.A., 1964, Ph.D., 1971.


Home—Maineville, OH.


Ball State University, Muncie, IN, instructor in English, 1964-67 and 1969-72; University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, assistant professor, 1972-78, associate professor, 1978-90, professor of English, 1991-2002, professor emeritus, 2002—.


Midwest Award, handicapped professional woman of the year, President's Committee for the Handicapped, 1972.


(With Rebecca McDaniel) Developing Sentence Skills, Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ), 1990.

Picking Up the Pieces: Healing Ourselves after Personal Loss, Taylor Publishing (Dallas, TX), 1991.

(With Rebecca McDaniel) Simplified Sentence Skills, National Textbook Co. (Lincolnwood, IL), 1997.

The Strength Within: Cultivating Habits of Wholeness, Hope, and Joy, Hidden Spring/Paulist Press (Mahwah, NJ), 2000, published as The Strength Within: A Practical Guide to Finding True Joy, Better Yourself Books (Bandra, Mumbai, India), 2002.

Contributor to periodicals, including College English, College Teaching, Children Today, Community College Review, Exercise Exchange, and Careers and the Dis-Abled.

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