Haley, John Owen
Haley, John Owen
Education: Princeton University, A.B., 1964; Yale University, LL.B., 1969; University of Washington, LL.M., 1971.
Educator, editor, and writer. Washington University in St. Louis Law School, St. Louis, MO, Wiley B. Rutledge professor of law, 2000—, appointed director of the university's Whitney R. Harris Institute for Global Legal Studies, 2002. Also taught and lectured internationally, including appointments at Aoyama Gakuin University, Kobe University, and Tohoku University in Japan and Tuebigen University in Germany.
(Compiler, with Rex Coleman) An Index to Japanese Law: A Bibliography of Western Language Materials, 1867-1973, Japanese American Society for Legal Studies (Tokyo, Japan), 1975.
(Editor) Current Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Japan and East Asia, American Bar Association (Chicago, IL), 1978.
(Compiler and editor, with Dan Fenno Henderson) Law and the Legal Process in Japan: Materials for an Introductory Course on Japanese Law, Henderson (Seattle, WA), 1978.
(Editor) Law and Society in Contemporary Japan: American Perspectives, Kendall/Hunt (Dubuque, IA), 1988.
Authority without Power: Law and the Japanese Paradox, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1991.
(With John Henry Merryman and David S. Clark) The Civil Law Tradition: Europe, Latin America, and East Asia, Michie (Charlottesville, VA), 1994.
(Editor, with Hiroshi Iyori) Antitrust: A New International Trade Remedy?, Pacific Rim Law & Policy Association (Seattle, WA), 1995.
The Spirit of Japanese Law, University of Georgia Press (Athens, GA), 1998.
Antitrust in Germany and Japan: The First Fifty Years, 1947-1998, University of Washington Press (Seattle, WA), 2001.
Contributor to books, including Law and Contemporary Society: Essays in Honor of the Seventieth Birthday of Professor Herbert Han-pao Ma, Si shang shu wu, min guo, 1996. Contributor of articles, essays, and book reviews to periodicals and professional journals, including the Washington University Global Studies Law Review, Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution, and the Journal of Japanese Studies.
John Owen Haley is an international and comparative law scholar who has helped popularize Japanese legal studies. He is the author of many scholarly works covering such areas as international trade policy and comparative law, Japanese land-use law, Japanese and East Asian business transactions, and Japanese law and contemporary society. In his book Authority without Power: Law and the Japanese Paradox, Haley focuses on the role of authority within Japanese society as it pertains to the nature of the Japanese state. The author provides a history of the development of the Japanese state beginning in the eighth century and analyzes the distinctive aspects of Japanese government in modern times. He also discusses aspects of Japanese law that are very different from law in many other countries, including the relatively small number of lawyers and lack of lawsuits. Haley also writes of how confessions are used in criminal prosecution in Japan and explores the idea of how social controls in modern Japan often play a dominant role in what would be legal issues in other countries.
Writing a review of Authority without Power in the Michigan Law Review, Koichiro Fujikura noted that the author demonstrates "that Japan maintains an effective bureaucratic government, sophisticated adjudicatory institutions and procedures, and various means of informal social controls that fill whatever void is created by law without sanctions; that official law's domain is narrow and contained while unofficial group-based controls are pervasive; and that these characteristics of Japanese law and society are traceable to and deeply rooted in its history and traditions." Other critics praised the book's usefulness, including Pacific Affairs contributor Lonny E. Carlile, who noted that Authority without Power "should be of interest to scholars from a wide range of social science disciplines who have an interest in Japan and to political scientists in particular." David J. Danelski wrote in the Law and Politics Book Review: "The thesis of this fascinating book is that law in Japan is essentially authoritative command rather than coercive sanction."
Law and Politics Book Review, June, 1993, David J. Danelski, review of Authority without Power: Law and the Japanese Paradox, pp. 49-50.
Michigan Law Review, May, 1993, Koichiro Fujikura, review of Authority without Power, pp. 1529-1544.
Pacific Affairs, summer, 1993, Lonny E. Carlile, review of Authority without Power, p. 280.
Washington University Alumni, spring, 2000, "New Faculty: John Haley, a Preeminent Japanese Law Scholar, to Join Faculty."
Washington University in St. Louis Law School Web site,http://law.wustl.edu/ (March 20, 2007), faculty profile of author and essay on activities.