Guttman, Robert J.
Guttman, Robert J.
Education: Indiana University, B.A.; American University, M.A.
Office—Center for Transatlantic Relations, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 1717 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20036. E-mail—
Political Profiles, Inc., founder, president, publisher, and editor-in-chief, 1979-89; European Commission, Washington, DC, head of publications and editor of Europe (magazine), 1989-2003; Johns Hopkins University, Center for Transatlantic relations, Washington, DC, senior fellow, 2004—, director of Center on Politics and Foreign Relations. George Washington University, former adjunct professor of political communications; American University, Washington, DC, former adjunct professor of American politics and communications. Has also worked as a writer and researcher for political candidates in 1968, 1972, and 1976; worked as an international economist for the U.S. Department of Commerce, as a Washington, DC, press secretary, and as a radio host and broadcaster; served as a communications consultant in national political races and campaigns; also formerly a journalist covering Washington politics. U.S. Senate candidate for Indiana, 1986.
Foreign Policy Institute fellow, School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
(Editor) Europe in the New Century: Visions of an Emerging Superpower, L. Rienner (Boulder, CO), 2001.
Also author of newsletter Political Profiles Report. Editor in chief of Highbeam Europe and former editor in chief of Transatlantic: Europe, America, & the World. Contributor to newspapers and magazines.
Robert J. Guttman is an economist and political scientist whose lengthy career includes work in political communications, publishing, journalism, and education. For more than fourteen years, Guttman was the head of publications for the European Commission in its Washington, DC, office, and was also the editor of Europe magazine. This experience informs his work as editor on Europe in the New Century: Visions of an Emerging Superpower, a collection of essays and interviews that considers possible political and economic developments in the European Union through the 2010s.
Guttman "has assembled an interesting and eclectic collection of essays examining the future of Europe" from the perspective of politics, diplomacy, cultural integration, and economics, remarked Jay Freeman in Booklist. Operating from the assumption that European unity is inevitable, the essay contributors consider topics such as European advancements in economic areas; foreign policy developments that see individual European countries remaining most focused on their own interests at the expense of collective "European" concerns and policies; and future possibilities of development in European business, politics, and other areas. Guttman and his contributors recognize that European unity will have broad consequences both in Europe and abroad, particularly on politics and business in the United States. The contributors offer a "broad and informative" consideration of what the future might hold for Europe and the world in the wake of successful European unity, Freeman noted. In addition, the book's contributors offer reasoned explorations of the effects that new members will likely have on the EU; the evolution of EU trade and development goals and policies; and the evolution of the influence of the EU in contrast to other major world powers. As part of the diverse perspective of the book, Guttman includes works by scholars and commentators as well as average Europeans themselves, who are most likely to feel the effects of any actions taken, abandoned, or left unexplored by the members of the European Union. "Guttman's collection of the opinions of commentators specializing in various areas of the European experience is enlightening and engaging," concluded Alison M.S. Watson in the Political Science Quarterly.
Booklist, March, 2001, Jay Freeman, review of Europe in the New Century: Visions of an Emerging Superpower, p. 1221.
Finance & Development, June, 2002, review of Europe in the New Century, p. 55.
Political Science Quarterly, fall, 2001, Alison M.S. Watson, review of Europe in the New Century, p. 472.
Huffington Post, (April 2, 2007), biography of Robert J. Guttman.
Johns Hopkins University, Center for Transatlantic Relations Web site, (April 2, 2007), biography of Robert J. Guttman.