Greeley, Andrew M. 1928–

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Greeley, Andrew M. 1928–

(Andrew Moran Greeley)


Born February 5, 1928, in Oak Park, IL; son of Andrew T. (a corporation executive) and Grace Greeley. Education: St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, A.B., 1950, S.T.B., 1952, S.T.L., 1954; University of Chicago, M.A., 1961, Ph.D., 1962. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Roman Catholic.


Home—Chicago, IL. Office—National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, 1155 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637; Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, Social Sciences Bldg., 400, P.O. Box 210027, Tucson, AZ 85721-0027. E-mail—


Ordained Roman Catholic priest, 1954. Church of Christ the King, Chicago, IL, assistant pastor, 1954-64; University of Chicago, National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, IL, senior study director, 1961-68, program director for higher education, 1968-70, director of Center for the Study of American Pluralism, 1971-85, research associate, 1985—; University of Chicago, lecturer in sociology of religion, 1962-72, professor of social science, 1991—; University of Arizona, Tucson, professor of sociology, beginning 1978, currently distinguished lecturer. Professor of sociology of education, University of Illinois—Chicago. Member of planning committee, National Conference on Higher Education, 1969; member of board of advisors on student unrest, National Institute of Mental Health; consultant, Hazen Foundation Commission. Has made a number of appearances on radio and television programs.


American Sociological Association, American Catholic Sociological Society (former president), Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Religious Research Association.


Thomas Alva Edison Award, 1962, for Catholic Hour radio broadcasts; Catholic Press Association award for best book for young people, 1965; C. Albert Kobb award, National Catholic Education Association, 1977; Popular Culture Award, Center for the Study of Popular Culture (Bowling Green State University), 1986; Mark Twain Award, Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature, 1987; Freedom to Read Award, Friends of the Chicago Public Library, 1989; U.S. Catholic Award, 1993, for furthering the cause of women in the Church; Campion Award from editorial board of America, 2006; Illinois Outstanding Citizen Award, College of Lake County. LL.D., St. Joseph's College (Rensselaer, IN), 1967; Litt.D., St. Mary's College (Winona, MN), 1967; honorary doctor of humane Letters, Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, OH), 1986; honorary doctorate of humanities, St. Louis University (St. Louis, MO), 1991; honorary doctorate, Northern Michigan University.



The Church and the Suburbs, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1959.

Strangers in the House: Catholic Youth in America, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1961, revised edition, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1967.

(Editor, with Michael E. Schlitz) Catholics in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Chicago Archdiocesan Conservation Council (Chicago, IL), 1962.

Religion and Career: A Study of College Graduates, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1963.

(With Peter H. Rossi and Leonard J. Pinto) The Social Effects of Catholic Education, National Opinion Research Center (Chicago, IL), 1964.

Letters to a Young Man, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1964.

Letters to Nancy, from Andrew M. Greeley, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1964, revised edition, Image Books (Garden City, NY), 1967.

Priests for Tomorrow, Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, IN), 1964.

And Young Men Shall See Visions: Letters from Andrew M. Greeley, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1964.

(With Peter H. Rossi) The Education of Catholic Americans, Aldine (Chicago, IL), 1966.

The Hesitant Pilgrim: American Catholicism after the Council, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1966.

The Catholic Experience: An Interpretation of the History of American Catholicism, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1967.

(With William Van Cleve and Grace Ann Carroll) The Changing Catholic College, Aldine (Chicago, IL), 1967.

The Crucible of Change: The Social Dynamics of Pastoral Practice, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1968.

Uncertain Trumpet: The Priest in Modern America, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1968.

Youth Asks, "Does God Talk?," Thomas Nelson, 1968, published as Youth Asks, "Does God Still Speak?," 1970.

(With Martin E. Marty and Stuart E. Rosenberg) What Do We Believe? The Stance of Religion in America, Meredith Press (New York, NY), 1968.

From Backwater to Mainstream: A Profile of Catholic Higher Education, McGraw (New York, NY), 1969.

A Future to Hope In: Socio-Religious Speculations, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1969.

Life for a Wanderer: A New Look at Christian Spirituality, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1969.

Religion in the Year 2000, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1969.

New Horizons for the Priesthood, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1970.

The Life of the Spirit (also the Mind, the Heart, the Libido), National Catholic Reporter (Kansas City, MO), 1970.

(With William E. Brown) Can Catholic Schools Survive?, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1970.

The Jesus Myth, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1971.

The Touch of the Spirit, Herder & Herder (New York, NY), 1971.

What a Modern Catholic Believes about God, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1971.

Priests in the United States: Reflections on a Survey, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1972.

The Sinai Myth, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1972.

The Unsecular Man: The Persistence of Religion, Schocken (New York, NY), 1972, reprinted with new introduction by Greely, Schocken Books (New York, NY), 1985.

What a Modern Catholic Believes about the Church, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1972.

The Catholic Priest in the United States: Sociological Investigations, United States Catholic Conference, 1972.

(Editor, with Gregory Baum) The Persistence of Religion, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1973.

The Devil, You Say! Man and His Personal Devils and Angels, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1974.

(With Gregory Baum) The Church as Institution, Herder & Herder (New York, NY), 1974.

May the Wind Be at Your Back: The Prayer of St. Patrick, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1975.

(With William C. McCready and Kathleen McCourt) Catholic Schools in a Declining Church, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1976.

The Communal Catholic: A Personal Manifesto, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1976.

Death and Beyond, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1976.

The Great Mysteries: An Essential Catechism, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1976, published as The Great Mysteries: Experiencing Catholic Faith from the Inside Out, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 2003.

The American Catholic: A Social Portrait, Basic Books (New York, NY), 1977.

The Mary Myth: On the Femininity of God, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1977.

An Ugly Little Secret: Anti-Catholicism in North America, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1977.

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Catholic Church but Were Too Pious to Ask, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1978.

(Editor, with Gregory Baum) Communication in the Church Concilium, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1978.

Crisis in the Church: A Study of Religion in America, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1979.

The Making of the Popes, 1978: The Politics of Intrigue in the Vatican, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1979, revised edition published as The Making of the Pope, 2005, Little, Brown, and Company (New York, NY), 2005.

(With Mary Durkin, David Tracy, John Shea, and William C. McCready) Parish, Priest & People: New Leadership for the Local Church, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1981.

The Religious Imagination, Sadlier (New York, NY), 1981.

(With Mary G. Durkin) A Church to Come Home To, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1982.

Catholic High Schools and Minority Students, Transaction Publications (New Brunswick, NJ), 1982, reprinted, with a new preface by Greeley, Transaction Publications (New Brunswick, NJ), 2002.

The Bottom Line Catechism for Contemporary Catholics, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1982.

Religion: A Secular Theory, Free Press (New York, NY), 1982.

The Catholic WHY? Book, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1983.

How to Save the Catholic Church, Penguin (New York, NY), 1984.

(With Mary G. Durka) Angry Catholic Women, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1984.

American Catholics since the Council: An Unauthorized Report, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1985.

Patience of a Saint, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1986.

Catholic Contributions: Sociology and Policy, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1987.

When Life Hurts: Healing Themes from the Gospels, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1988.

God in Popular Culture, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1988.

Religious Indicators, 1940-1985, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 1989.

Myths of Religion, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1989.

Religious Change in America, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 1989.

Complaints against God, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1989.

Year of Grace: A Spiritual Journal, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1990.

The Catholic Myth: The Behavior and Beliefs of American Catholics, Scribner (New York, NY), 1990.

(With Jacob Neusner) The Bible and Us: A Priest and a Rabbi Read Scripture Together, Warner Books, 1990, revised edition published as Common Ground: A Priest and a Rabbi Read Scripture Together, Pilgrim Press (Cleveland, OH), 1996.

A Book of Irish American Blessings and Prayers, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1991.

(With others) The Seven Deadly Sins: Stories on Human Weakness and Virtue, Fleming H. Revell (New York, NY), 1991.

Love Affair: A Prayer Journal, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1992.

Religion as Poetry, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1994.

Sociology and the Religion: A Collection of Readings, Harper (New York, NY), 1994.

Sacraments of Love: A Prayer Journal, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1994.

Windows: A Prayer Journal, Crossroad (New York, NY), 1995.

(With Jacob Neusner, Bruce D. Chilton, and William S. Green) Forging a Common Future: Catholic, Judaic, and Protestant Relations for a New Millennium, Pilgrim Press (Cleveland, OH), 1997.

I Hope You're Listening, God: A Prayer Journal, Crossroads Publishing (New York, NY), 1997.

(With Albert Bergesen) God in the Movies: A Sociological Investigation, Transaction Publishers (New Brunswick, NJ), 2000.

The Catholic Imagination, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 2000.

My Love: A Prayer Journal, Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 2001.

Catholic High Schools and Minority Students, (with a new preface by the author), Transaction Publishers (New Brunswick, NJ), 2002.

The Catholic Revolution: New Wine, Old Wineskins, and the Second Vatican Council, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 2004.

Priests: A Calling in Crisis, University of Chicago Press (Chicago, IL), 2004.

The Truth about Conservative Christians: What They Think and What They Believe, University of Chicago Press (Chicago, IL), 2006.

Jesus: A Meditation on His Parables, Forge (New York, NY), 2007.

Also author of Teenage World: Its Crises and Anxieties, Divine Word Publications, and of a number of shorter works. Author of syndicated column "People and Values," appearing in approximately eighty newspapers. Contributor to Catholic magazines.


Why Can't They Be like Us? Facts and Fallacies about Ethnic Differences and Group Conflicts in America (also see below), Dutton (New York, NY), 1969.

A Fresh Look at Vocations, Clarentian, 1969.

(With Joe L. Spaeth) Recent Alumni and Higher Education, McGraw (New York, NY), 1970.

Why Can't They Be like Us? America's White Ethnic Groups (includes portions of Why Can't They Be like Us? Facts and Fallacies about Ethnic Differences and Group Conflicts in America), Dutton (New York, NY), 1971.

The Denominational Society: A Sociological Approach to Religion in America, Scott, Foresman (Glenview, IL), 1972.

That Most Distressful Nation: The Taming of the American Irish, Quadrangle (Chicago, IL), 1972.

The New Agenda, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1973.

Building Coalitions: American Politics in the 1970s, New Viewpoints (New York, NY), 1974.

Ethnicity in the United States: A Preliminary Reconnaissance, Wiley (New York, NY), 1974.

MEDIA: Ethnic Media in the United States, Project IMPRESS (Hanover, NH), 1974.

The Sociology of the Paranormal: A Reconnaissance, Sage Publications (Beverly Hills, CA), 1975.

Ethnicity, Denomination, and Inequality, Sage Publications (Beverly Hills, CA), 1976.

(With William C. McCready) The Ultimate Values of the American Population, Sage Publications (Beverly Hills, CA), 1976.

(Also photographer) Neighborhood, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1977.

No Bigger than Necessary: An Alternative to Socialism, Capitalism, and Anarchism, New American Library (New York, NY), 1977.

(Editor) The Family in Crisis or in Transition: A Sociological and Theological Perspective, Seabury Press (New York, NY), 1979.

The Irish Americans: The Rise to Money and Power, Harper & Row (New York, NY), 1980.

(With William C. McCready) Ethnic Drinking Subcultures, Praeger (New York, NY), 1980.

The Sociology of Andrew M. Greeley, Scholars Press (Atlanta, GA), 1993.

Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings, HarperCollins College Publishers (New York, NY), 1995.

Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium: A Sociological Profile, Transaction Publishers (New Brunswick, NJ), 2003.

Editor, Ethnicity. Contributor to sociology and education journals.


The Friendship Game, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1970.

Sexual Intimacy, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1973.

Ecstasy: A Way of Knowing, Prentice-Hall (New York, NY), 1974.

Love and Play, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1975.

Faithful Attraction: Discovering Intimacy, Love, and Fidelity in American Marriage, Tor Books (New York, NY), 1991.

The Sense of Love, Ashland Poetry Press (Ashland, OH), 1992.


Nora Maeve and Sebi, illustrated by Diane Dawson, Paulist Press (New York, NY), 1976.

The Magic Cup: An Irish Legend, McGraw (New York, NY), 1979.

Death in April, McGraw (New York, NY), 1980.

The Cardinal Sins, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1981.

Thy Brother's Wife (first book in "Passover Trilogy"), Warner Books (New York, NY), 1982.

Ascent into Hell (second book in "Passover Trilogy"), Warner Books (New York, NY), 1984.

Lord of the Dance (third book in "Passover Trilogy"), Warner Books (New York, NY), 1987.

The Passover Trilogy: Three Complete Novels (contains Thy Brother's Wife, Ascent into Hell, and Lord of the Dance), Avenel Books (New York, NY), 1987.

Love Song, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1988.

All about Women, Tor Books (New York, NY), 1989.

The Cardinal Virtues, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1990.

The Search for Maggie Ward, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1991.

An Occasion of Sin, Putnam (New York, NY), 1991.

Wages of Sin, Putnam (New York, NY), 1992.

Fall from Grace, Putnam (New York, NY), 1993.

Angel Light: An Old-fashioned Love Story, Forge (New York, NY), 1995.

Star Bright! A Christmas Story, Forge (New York, NY), 1997.

Summer at the Lake, Forge (New York, NY), 1997.

Contract with an Angel, Forge (New York, NY), 1998.

A Midwinter's Tale, Forge (New York, NY), 1998.

Younger than Springtime, Forge (New York, NY), 1999.

A Christmas Wedding, Forge (New York, NY), 2000.

September Song, Forge (New York, NY), 2001.

Second Spring: A Love Story, Forge (New York, NY), 2003.

Golden Years, Forge (New York, NY), 2004.

The Priestly Sins, Forge (New York, NY), 2004.

The Senator and the Priest, Forge (New York, NY), 2006.


Virgin and Martyr, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1985.

Happy Are the Meek, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1985.

Happy Are the Clean of Heart, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1986.

Happy Are Those Who Thirst for Justice, Mysterious Press (New York, NY), 1987.

Rite of Spring, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1987.

St. Valentine's Night, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1989.

Happy Are the Merciful, Jove (New York, NY), 1992.

Happy Are the Peacemakers, Jove (New York, NY), 1993.

Happy Are the Poor in Spirit, Jove (New York, NY), 1994.

Happy Are Those Who Mourn, Jove (New York, NY), 1995.

Happy Are the Oppressed, Jove Books (New York, NY), 1996.

White Smoke: A Novel about the Next Papal Conclave, Forge (New York, NY), 1996.


The Bishop at Sea, Berkeley (New York, NY), 1997.

The Bishop and the Three Kings, Penguin (New York, NY), 1998.

The Bishop and the Missing L Train, Forge (New York, NY), 2000.

The Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain, Forge (New York, NY), 2001.

The Bishop in the West Wing, Forge (New York, NY), 2002.

The Bishop Goes to the University, Forge (New York, NY), 2003.

The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood, Forge (New York, NY), 2005.

The Bishop at the Lake, Forge (New York, NY), 2007.

The Archbishop in Andalusia, Forge (New York, NY), 2008.


Angels of September, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1986.

God Game, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1986.

The Final Planet, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1987.

Angel Fire, Random House (New York, NY), 1988.


Irish Gold, Forge (New York, NY), 1994.

Irish Lace, Forge (New York, NY), 1996.

Irish Mist, Tom Doherty Associates (New York, NY), 1999.

Irish Eyes, Forge (New York, NY), 2000.

Irish Love, Forge (New York, NY), 2001.

Irish Stew, Forge (New York, NY), 2002.

Irish Whiskey, Forge (New York, NY), 2005.

Irish Cream, Forge (New York, NY), 2005.

Irish Crystal, Forge (New York, NY), 2006.

Irish Linen, Forge (New York, NY), 2007.

Irish Tiger, Forge (New York, NY), 2008.


Come Blow Your Mind with Me (essays), Doubleday (New York, NY), 1971.

(With J.N. Kotre) The Best of Times, the Worst of Times (biography), Nelson Hall, 1978.

Women I've Met (poetry), Sheed & Ward (New York, NY), 1979.

A Piece of My Mind … on Just about Everything (selection of newspaper columns), Doubleday (New York, NY), 1983.

Confessions of a Parish Priest: An Autobiography, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY), 1986.

An Andrew Greeley Reader (essays), edited by John Sprague, Thomas More Press (Chicago, IL), 1987.

Andrew Greeley's Chicago, Contemporary Books, 1989.

(Author of introduction) John Appel, Pat-Riots to Patriots: American Irish in Caricature and Comic Art, Michigan State University Museum (East Lansing, MI), 1990.

The Irish: Photographs by Andrew M. Greeley—along with Poems, Proverbs, and Blessings, Contemporary Books (Chicago, IL), 1990.

(Editor, with Michael Cassutt) Sacred Visions (science fiction anthology), Tor Books (New York, NY), 1991.

An Epidemic of Joy: Stories in the Spirit of Jesus, ACTA Publications (Chicago, IL), 1999.

Furthermore! Memories of a Parish Priest (autobiography), Forge (New York, NY), 1999.

(With Jacob Neusner and Mary Greeley Durkin) Virtues and Vices: Stories of the Moral Life, Westminster John Knox Press (Louisville, KY), 1999.

The Book of Love: A Treasury Inspired by the Greatest of Virtues, Forge (New York, NY), 2002.

(Editor) Emerald Magic: Great Tales of Irish Fantasy, Tor Books (New York, NY), 2004.

A Stupid, Unjust, and Criminal War: Iraq, 2001-2007, Orbis Books (Maryknoll, NY), 2007.

Also author of forewords to Janet Fredericks's From the Principal's Desk, P. Lang, 1991; Jason Berry's Lead Us Not into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1992; George A. Hillery's The Monastery: A Study in Freedom, Love, and Community, Praeger, 1992; and Mary E. Andereck's Ethnic Awareness and the School: An Ethnographic Study, Sage, 1992. Author of blog, Andy's Word.

Author of a weekly column that appears in the Chicago Sun-Times and other newspapers. Contributor to America, the National Catholic Reporter, the New York Times, and Commonweal. Contributor of "The Crooked Lines of God," to Authors of Their Own Lives: Intellectual Autobiographies, by Twenty American Sociologists, edited by Bennett M. Berger, University of California Press, 1990, and "Incidence and Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse," to Bad Pastors: Clergy Misconduct in Modern America, edited by Anson Shupe, William A. Stacey, and Susan E. Darnell, New York University Press, 2000.


Andrew M. Greeley is, according to a contributor in Contemporary Popular Writers, "a controversial and forthright Roman Catholic priest, a trained sociologist, and an entertaining storyteller." While dividing his time between the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, where he has been involved in sociological research since 1961, and the University of Arizona, where he holds a professorship, Greeley has also published scores of books and hundreds of popular and scholarly articles, making him one of the nation's leading authorities on the sociology of religion. Sociologist William Martin, discussing Greeley's prodigious talent and inexhaustible energy with Houston Chronicle interviewer Cecile S. Holmes, stated: "He has a remarkable facility, imagination and ability to communicate with the public."

The adjective "controversial" arises often in articles on Greeley and in reviews of his many books. Much of the controversy surrounding Greeley stems from the difficulty critics have experienced in trying to label him. "Father Andrew Greeley is a singular figure, the intellectual equivalent of an eccentric Irish bartender who serves up odd spirits—one part illuminating, another exasperating," Robert Royal stated in the National Review. Royal added, "You can count on him to take to task the foolishness of prelates, professors, and pundits, liberal or conservative. But there the predictability ends. By turns commonsensical and perverse, when he's good he's a helpful gadfly, but when he's bad he's—well, still a man of the cloth."

Greeley advocates a great many changes within the Catholic church, including the ordination of women, liberalized policies on birth control and divorce, and a more democratic process for selecting popes, cardinals, and bishops; as a result, he is often at odds with church leaders. On the other hand, he feels that priests are most effective in serving the people when they remain celibate and that the church has taken the correct stand on abortion; he is, therefore, open to criticism from his more liberal colleagues. "The ‘left/right’ paradigm does not cope readily with Catholic attitudes and behavior," he wrote in The Catholic Myth: The Behavior and Beliefs of American Catholics. "What I am really is a Catholic in the grip of a Sacramental Imagination, one that says, ‘Here comes everyone!’"

Greeley has further fueled the fires of controversy by writing more than a dozen best-selling mystery, fantasy, and science fiction novels, often filled with corruption, murder, and lurid sex. Because many of these novels—such as The Cardinal Sins and Thy Brother's Wife—feature priests and other members of the clergy as principal characters, they are regarded by critics as a forum in which Greeley can air the church's dirty laundry. Other critics have simply dismissed him as a pulp writer. Greeley wrote in Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series (CAAS): "I became in the minds of many the renegade priest who wrote ‘steamy’ novels to make money." Furthermore, he has been ostracized from the Archdiocese of Chicago, refused a parish, and treated as a "non-person" by the Catholic church. He related in CAAS: "When I tried to pledge a million dollars from my book royalties for the inner-city Catholic schools, [Chicago's] Cardinal Bernardin bluntly turned down the pledge without giving a reason—arguably the first time in history the Catholic Church has turned down money from anyone."

Despite his marginal status within the church, Greeley still considers himself a man of the cloth first. "I am not a novelist or a sociologist or a writer or any of those things, not primarily, not essentially, not in the core of my being," he told CAAS. "I'm a priest who happens to do these other things as a way of being a priest…. I will never leave the priesthood. If ecclesiastical authorities try to throw me out—a serious danger in these days of Thermidor against the Vatican Council—I won't go." As to his novels and their subject matter, he explained to John L. Allen, Jr., in the National Catholic Reporter, "I think writing the kind of fiction I write is an exercise in priestly ministry. It's talking about the good news of God's love in a format where it will be accessible to lots of people. My stories have had an enormous effect. That's good news."

As a young man in Catholic school, Greeley was enthralled by the works of such Catholic poets and novelists as G.K. Chesterton and Evelyn Waugh. "It seemed to me that fiction was a brilliant way of passing on religion," he recalled in CAAS. "I thought that it must be challenging and rewarding to write ‘Catholic fiction,’ even if I never expected to do it myself." Still, within a few years Greeley was contributing articles and essays to Catholic magazines and conferences; the first of these were written pseudonymously, but later he grew bold enough to use his own name. In 1958 an editor at the Catholic publishers Sheed and Ward offered to expand two of Greeley's articles into a book titled The Church and the Suburbs. He wrote in CAAS: "This was a big step, much bigger, it would turn out, than I had expected. For a priest to set a word on paper in those days was a dangerous move (it still is). To write a book was to cut oneself off from most of the rest of the priesthood."

Though The Church and the Suburbs was, in the author's own words, "not exactly a best-seller," it awakened in Greeley a desire not only to express his controversial viewpoints, but to express them in print. Within twenty-five years he would produce more than sixty works of religious and sociological study. "It would be many years [after the publication of The Church and the Suburbs] before I would think of myself as a writer," he told CAAS, "but in fact the writer in me was out of the box and would not go back into it ever again."

Greeley's writings have covered myriad topics, many of which deal with the role of religion in modern life. His subjects have included ethnicity, religious education, church politics, secular politics, the family, death and dying, vocations, history, and the future. His opinions in most of these areas have proven controversial to some extent, but when he tackles the subject of sex—particularly as it relates to religion today—he stirs up more than the usual amount of critical commentary. A good example is his book Sexual Intimacy, which J.W. Gartland of Library Journal recommended to Catholics who "seek a ‘sexier’ sexual relationship with their spouse and need supportive religious sanctions." In a much-quoted chapter titled "How to Be Sexy," Greeley portrays a wife greeting her husband "wearing only panties and a martini pitcher—or maybe only the martini pitcher." The work upset some conservative Catholics, but, as Greeley explained to Pamela Porvaznik in an interview for the Detroit News Sunday Magazine, "a vigorous sexual life is one of the biggest problems confronting married couples. How can people grow in intimacy? How can they consistently reassure themselves and each other of their own worth? These are real issues, and it's time the Church put them into perspective."

In a review of Sexual Intimacy for America, T.F. Driver wrote: "Whatever scholarship may lie behind the book's judgments has been carefully (or do I mean carelessly) hidden. Though the book contains precious little theological reflection, it is based, I think, on an erroneous theological assumption: namely, that the God we have known all along as Yahweh is the same who presides over the modern sexual revolution. It sounds to me like the old game of baptizing everything in sight." However, Charles Dollen of Best Sellers called it "by far one of the best books on marriage and sexuality that has been published in many, many years…. [Greeley's] style is witty, charming and far above average. But it is the content that sets this book apart. He has some vital insights into what sex and sexuality are all about."

One of Greeley's best-known nonfiction works is The Making of the Popes, 1978: The Politics of Intrigue in the Vatican. In this book he details the series of startling events that took place in Rome beginning in the summer of 1978: the death of Pope Paul VI in July; the subsequent election of John Paul I, who died after only thirty-three days in office; and the election of John Paul II, the first non-Italian pope since 1522. The book is particularly noteworthy for its inclusion of little-known "inside information" on the process of electing a new pope, much of it supplied by an informant that Greeley called "Deep Purple." The title of the book and the use of stylistic devices such as a diary format are intentionally reminiscent of Theodore H. White's Making of the President books, reinforcing Greeley's thesis that papal elections have all of the mystery, the jockeying for power, and the behind-the-scenes intrigue of an American presidential election. Several reviewers, including R.A. Schroth of the New York Times Book Review, noted that Greeley's choice of the name "Deep Purple" for his unnamed source suggests that "he clearly identifies with Woodward and Bernstein." Thus, although the author sees himself as a journalist covering what is, essentially, a political event, he still leaves himself the option of injecting personal comments (as White is known to do) on the various candidates, the election process, and the diverse political powers that subtly influence the voting. "The White model works pretty well," wrote Robert Blair Kaiser of the New York Times, "freeing the author to present an account of [the] doings in Rome, which, for all its ambiguous partisanship, tells us more about the election of two popes (and the future of the church) than less knowing reporters ever could."

Greeley's partisanship leads him to offer in The Making of the Popes, 1978 the opinion that the church did not need another leader like Paul VI, "a grim, stern, pessimistic, solemn-faced pope who did not appeal to the world as a man who is really possessed by the ‘good news’ he claims to be teaching." He would prefer, Kaiser said, "a hopeful holy man who smiles," a man "whose faith makes him happy and whose hope makes him joyful." Greeley was satisfied with the choice of John Paul I and just as happy with his successor, John Paul II, but his approval of the cardinals' choices has not altered his view of papal elections. He told Linda Witt of People: "The cardinals are a closed group of men who have spent their whole lives strictly in ecclesiastical activities. Their average age is over sixty, and they are extremely cautious and conservative. In many cases they are totally out of touch with the world. There were between thirty and thirty-five cardinals—about one-third of those voting—who had no notion of what was going on, and who drifted from candidate to candidate depending on who seemed likely to win." Asked what kind of election process he would prefer, Greeley replied: "In the early church, the Pope and all the bishops were elected by the people of their diocese. The cardinals would go into St. Peter's and pick a man and bring him out. If the faithful applauded, he was the Pope. If they booed, the cardinals went back inside and tried again. I'm not suggesting we revert to that, but I would like to see a gradual sharing of power with the rest of the church." John Jay Hughes of America, while expressing a few misgivings about Greeley's reportage, concluded that "the book is a remarkable achievement. We are fools, and guilty fools, if we dismiss it as unworthy of serious consideration."

Though the research Greeley conducts at Chicago's National Opinion Research Center is not officially opposed by the Catholic church, each of Greeley's many sociological and religious studies inevitably sparks at least some discussion among church leaders; on more than one occasion, this discussion has turned quickly to open hostility toward the author. "My colleagues and I soon became accustomed to the pattern of reaction to our work," he related in CAAS. "First of all it would be distorted, ridiculed, rejected. The attacks would never touch the work itself (with which no competent scholar has ever found serious fault) but would rather concentrate on my character and personality and on distortions of what the research actually reported. Then, sometimes in a year or two, certainly in five years, our findings would be accepted as what everyone knew to be true, rarely with credit to those who originally reported it." Even liberal Catholics, such as the editors of Commonweal, have railed against Greeley's research, accusing him of aspiring to bishophood. "I was astonished at the hostility of Catholic ‘liberals,’" he continued in CAAS. "In their world … there was no such thing as objective evidence if it seemed to go against their biases. To disagree with them on the basis of evidence was grounds for character assassination."

The gap between Greeley and the rest of the Catholic Church was further widened in 1981 with the publication of The Cardinal Sins. Though not his first work of fiction, The Cardinal Sins was attacked by church officials for its unflattering portrayal of Cardinal Patrick Donahue, a fictional character who swiftly ascends to the top of Chicago's religious hierarchy despite his penchant for brutal sex. The church accused Greeley of using this character to slander the late John Cardinal Cody, then Archbishop of Chicago and a longtime rival of Greeley's. These accusations are not unsubstantiated: The Cardinal Sins's Patrick Donahue funnels church funds to his mistress sister-in-law in South America; at the time of the novel's publication, coincidentally, Cardinal Cody was under investigation for allegedly channeling close to one million dollars to a female companion who also happened to be his step-cousin. Greeley denied any connection between the fictional cardinal and Chicago's Archbishop.

Fall from Grace centers on Irish Catholic clergy and laity in Chicago and their involvement in several scandals, mainly a priest's alleged pedophilia and an aspiring political candidate's secret homosexuality and spousal abuse. Though reflecting actual events in contemporary Chicago, Greeley noted in the introduction that the novel "was drafted before the explosion of the pedophile crisis in the Archdiocese."

Greeley introduced his one of his most popular characters, Father "Blackie" Ryan, in 1985 with the release of Virgin and Martyr. "For mystery aficionados who like series characters, Father Greeley's priest-detective, the Reverend Monsignor John Blackwood Ryan, S.T.L., Ph.D., better known as Blackie Ryan, is a colorful addition to the genre," noted a contributor in the St. James Guide to Crime & Mystery Writers. In White Smoke: A Novel about the Next Papal Conclave, reminiscent of his exposé The Making of the Popes, 1978, Greeley addresses the contentious and often vicious politics behind the selection of a new pontiff. Upon the death of the incumbent pope, Blackie leaves Chicago for Rome with Cardinal Cronin to lobby for the election of a more liberal successor. Their cause is aided by a New York Times reporter and his ex-wife, a CNN correspondent, who implicate the Vatican in an investment scandal. A Publishers Weekly reviewer concluded, "Greeley knows his material and his opinions, and sets both into delicious spins here."

Greeley continues the adventures of his religious-minded sleuth in works like The Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain and The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood. The former title concerns the now-Bishop Blackwood Ryan's search for a humble French priest, and in the latter Blackie discovers a Chicago priest is involved in a decades-old murder mystery. Booklist contributor Kathleen Hughes called The Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain a "concise, suspenseful, and lightly comedic novel," and Margaret Flanagan, reviewing The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood in Booklist, stated that the author "conjures up equal portions of fun and suspense with typical effortless aplomb."

Greeley has also written a number of mystery novels featuring an Irish American folksinger, Nuala McGrail, and her husband, Dermot Coyne. Gifted with second sight, McGrail is drawn into such mysteries as the 1898 sinking of a passenger ship on Lake Michigan and the 1927 assassination of Irish rebel Michael Collins. In the debut title, Irish Gold, Dermot, an American commodities broker, embarks for Dublin to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding his grandparents' emigration to Chicago in 1922. There he falls for Nuala, a beautiful Trinity College student who translates his grandmother's diaries, leading to the discovery that his grandparents knew who murdered a prominent Free Irish patriot during the period of the "Troubles" in Ireland. Mary Ellen Elsbernd praised Greeley's "piquant characters" and "delightful Irish mystery" in a Library Journal review.

In Irish Stew, Nuala senses grave danger for Seamus Costelloe, a sinister fellow with many enemies, while Dermot attempts to solve the mystery of who started Haymarket Riot in Chicago a century earlier. In the words of a Publishers Weekly critic, "the double plot is rich with detail, while the couple's earnestness and good intentions are never in question." Irish Mist concerns the assassination of an Irish statesman. Flanagan called McGrail "a delightfully fey and unconventional sleuth" and rated Irish Mist a "supremely entertaining mystery-romance."

Greeley continued his "Nuala McGrail" series with Irish Cream and Irish Crystal. Booklist reviewer Flanagan called Irish Cream "irresistibly predictable" and noted that it contains "an intriguing historical whodunit that adds a little more substance." Irish Crystal, which is the ninth novel in the series, is "cute," according to a Publishers Weekly reviewer. The same reviewer commented: "the shifts in Irish dialects, Dermot's internal asides and the document extracts can confuse the uninitiated." A Kirkus Reviews critic offered a similar opinion, stating that the book is "for the faithful only."

In Irish Linen, Nuala and Dermot investigate the disappearance of Desmond Doolin, a young doctoral student who goes missing in the Middle East. When their search is thwarted by officials in the U.S. government, Nuala and Dermot turn to the memoirs of an Irish diplomat for clues. According to America contributor Dennis M. Linehan, the novel gives Greeley "the opportunity to speak of human freedom in the face of tyranny, incompetent authority and bungling bureaucrats." Nuala and Dermot are hired to protect a wealthy investment broker and his new wife from unsavory characters in Irish Tiger. Flanagan stated that the work "offers plenty of spirited, if predictable, action for Greeley's devoted readership."

Generally speaking, Greeley's novels have not received much critical praise. The novels' protagonists are, according to Elaine Kendall, writing in the Los Angeles Times Book Review, "so tormented by temptations of the flesh that a questioning reader wonders whatever made them take the vow of celibacy in the first place." And New York Times Book Review contributor Sheila Paulos proclaimed: "Andrew M. Greeley may be a great priest, a great sociologist, even a great fellow. But … a great novelist he is not." However, if not a great novelist, Greeley is undeniably a popular one. His novels consistently reach the best-seller lists and linger there for weeks or months. Even his critics have admitted, at times, to his novels' appeal. As Webster Schott noted in the New York Times Book Review: "He is never dull, he spins wondrous romances and he has an admirable ideal for what his church should become."

"In recent years," Greeley told CAAS, "critical writers have begun to understand the themes of my fiction and to attribute considerable value to the books." However, this has had little impact on the Catholic Church's determination to treat him as a peripheral member; although Greeley has since made peace with Chicago's Cardinal Bernardin, his "celebrity" status keeps him outside the fold. It is this continuing marginality that is hardest for Greeley to endure. He once told a CA interviewer: "I have to say in fairness to the Catholic hierarchy that, off the record and privately, many of them are very friendly and encouraging…. The thing I find hard in the church … is the criticism from other priests who define me as a success because I have published a lot of books, do a lot of traveling, and get my name in the paper. Their resentment is, first of all, a big surprise, and it is also very hard to bear."

Greeley has no plans to stop writing novels; rather, he defends both his fiction and nonfiction writing as portraying the church and clergy as real people, and he told Allen: "I don't see why I should practice contraception on my ideas." As for his reputation as a greedy author of "steamy" novels, he contended in CAAS: "The books were not ‘steamy’ (and research on the readers indicates that they don't think so) and I gave most of the money away…. My stories of God's love and the presence of Grace in the universe were vilified and denounced without being understood and often without being read (many of the bishops who complained had only read passages torn out of context)…. The objections seemed to be that (1) a priest ought not to know anything about sex and (2) a priest ought not to write novels that millions of people read. But there is nothing wrong with sex. And a priest would not ‘know’ about sex only if he were not human."

In addition to his fiction, Greeley has written a pair of memoirs. His 1986 work, Confessions of a Parish Priest: An Autobiography, was described as a "unique, provocative testament of a feisty Irish-American Catholic phenomenon" by Library Journal contributor Nancy M. Laskowski. In a companion volume, Furthermore! Memories of a Parish Priest, Greeley reminisces about his days in the priesthood and expounds on such topics as his fiction, sacred art, and the metamorphosis of the American Catholic Church. Though a Publishers Weekly critic faulted the work, stating, "This vivid portrait of late-twentieth-century Catholicism is short on cogent analysis," Booklist contributor Ray Olson offered praise for the title. "As the saying goes, ‘you don't have to be Catholic’ to thoroughly enjoy this book," Olson remarked.

Greeley has also published Sacraments of Love: A Prayer Journal, containing the author's private meditations recorded between September 1991 and December 1992. Greeley reports daily activities and shares his own struggles with mortality, public personae, conflicting demands as priest and novelist, church reform and scandals, friendships, and most importantly his relationship with God, whom he addresses as "My Love." According to Kirkus Reviews, the book represents "the journal of an exceptionally active man whose life, or so he prays, is ‘possessed by love.’" A Publishers Weekly reviewer noted that Greeley's avowed "relationship with Spirit is indeed intimate and accessible."

Greeley examined his own sense of aesthetics, and that of millions of others, in his book The Catholic Imagination. In it, he put forth the idea that those raised in the Catholic faith—even if they later abandon the practice of that faith—have a unique way of seeing the world, one that is filled with enchantment and an expectation of the miraculous. "As a sociologist of religion, Greeley claims that there is a correspondence between the works of Catholic high art and the sensibilities of ordinary Catholics," explained Leo D. Lefebure in Christian Century. "He presents the central argument of his essay as sociological rather than theological, grounded in studies of the opinions and practices of Catholics and Protestants in ten North Atlantic nations…. Greeley repeatedly protests that he is not expressing a preference for being Catholic rather than Protestant (or Hindu or Buddhist). Nonetheless, his own enchantment with the enchanted world of the Catholic imagination comes through clearly." The author asserts that Catholics are more likely to enjoy and patronize the arts, and even that they are likely to have more imaginative, enjoyable sexual relations than non-Catholics. His "central argument is quite persuasive," decided Lefebure, "and his perspectives are often thought-provoking."

Greeley followed The Catholic Imagination with a sociological history titled The Catholic Revolution: New Wine, Old Wineskins, and the Second Vatican Council. Using empirical data, Greeley interprets the effect of the Vatican II reforms on American Catholic life, most notably an increased role in church affairs for the laity, and he also prescribes solutions for the major problems facing the church, such as fairness and equality for women. According to Joseph William Goetz, writing in the Antioch Review, the author "has clarified the profound changes effected by the Second Vatican Council and asks awkward albeit necessary questions about the direction the institutional church has taken as a consequence." Though some critics found fault with The Catholic Revolution, including Church History reviewer Paula Kane, who complained that the study suffers from the "substitution of the author's own convictions for historical evidence," others were more positive in their assessments. "Greeley's new contribution … is to give agency to the laity in the revolution that he sees occurring in a very brief period—1965-1975 at most, but more likely, in Greeley's telling, between 1966 and 1972," wrote Timothy Kelly in the Journal of Social History. "This brief moment saw a more highly educated but still deferential laity become an active, discriminating and independent people. Though most social historians will see this as a modest proposal, it is a powerful point in the contemporary debate among Catholics about the period." "Greeley has written an important book," noted John H. Simpson in Sociology of Religion. "He makes a strong case that Vatican II can be constructed as an event, an instance of collective behavior."

Priests: A Calling in Crisis and The Priestly Sins, both published in 2004, examine the sexual abuse crisis of the clergy, one from the viewpoint of sociology, the other fictionally. In the National Catholic Reporter, Paul Philibert wrote that Priests "is the prophetic outcry of a public intellectual who wants to weigh in on the significance of the scandal with empirically based interpretations of its impact for the future." The protagonist of The Priestly Sins is "tall, handsome, blond, broad-shouldered, slow-moving, right thinking, straightly lusty Father Herman Hugo Hoffman, Ph.D., witness to the brutal rape of an altar boy by a priest now dead of AIDS," a Kirkus Reviews critic noted. A Publishers Weekly reviewer commented that it "makes its valuable point without resorting to unnecessary violence or cheap and easy shock effects."

Greeley once said: "I never courted controversy, but I also never walked away from it." That willingness to create and confront controversy, E.J. Dionne, Jr., claimed in Commonweal, makes Greeley exactly what the Catholic Church has needed: a catalyst. "Fr. Greeley is a national treasure and a gift to his church because of his stubborn adherence to three overlapping notions that feed his frequent dissents," Dionne wrote. "He believes that arguments should proceed from a careful analysis of the available data. He believes that religious people are worthy of respect and understanding, not scorn. And he believes that elites of various kinds (in politics, in the church, in business, in the culture and, especially, in academia) often get things wrong." "According to Greeley, in a time when the church has never been more estranged from the dominant mythmaking systems in the culture, he's proved that the gospel sells," Allen observed. "He's exposed millions of people to the themes of sin, grace and redemption, and left them clamoring for more."



Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Volume 7, Gale (Detroit, MI), 1988.

Contemporary Literary Criticism, Volume 28, Gale (Detroit, MI), 1984.

Contemporary Popular Writers, St. James Press (Detroit, MI), 1997.

Greeley, Andrew M., Confessions of a Parish Priest: An Autobiography, Simon & Schuster (New York, NY), 1986.

Greeley, Andrew M., Furthermore! Memories of a Parish Priest, Forge (New York, NY), 1999.

Harrison, Elizabeth, Andrew M. Greeley: An Annotated Bibliography, Scarecrow Press (Metuchen, NJ), 1994.

Pasquariello, Ronald D., Conversations with Andrew Greeley, Quinlan Press (Boston, MA), 1988.

St. James Guide to Crime & Mystery Writers, St. James Press (Detroit, MI), 1996.

Shafer, Ingrid, Eros and the Womanliness of God: Andrew Greeley's Romances of Renewal, Loyola University Press (Chicago, IL), 1986.

Shafer, Ingrid, editor, The Incarnate Imagination: Essays in Theology, the Arts, and Social Sciences in Honor of Andrew Greeley: A Festschrift, Bowling Green State University Popular Press (Bowling Green, OH), 1988.

Shafer, Ingrid, editor, Andrew Greeley's World: A Collection of Critical Essays, 1986-1988, Warner Books (New York, NY), 1989.


America, February 10, 1968, review of The Changing Catholic College, p. 196; March 2, 1968, review of The Catholic Experience: An Interpretation of the History of American Catholicism, p. 297; May 4, 1968, review of The Catholic Experience, p. 617; September 11, 1971, review of Come Blow Your Mind with Me, p. 153; November 20, 1971, review of Come Blow Your Mind with Me, p. 438; October 7, 1972, review of The Catholic Priest in the United States: Sociological Investigations, p. 270; December 8, 1973, review of The New Agenda, p. 450; November 30, 1974, review of The Devil, You Say! Man and His Personal Devils and Angels, p. 352; February 8, 1975, T.F. Driver, review of Sexual Intimacy, p. 94; April 26, 1975, review of The Devil, You Say!, p. 326; May 15, 1976, review of Catholic Schools in a Declining Church, p. 425; November 13, 1976, review of Catholic Schools in a Declining Church, p. 326; April 9, 1977, review of The American Catholic: A Social Portrait, p. 338; May 26, 1979, John Jay Hughes, review of The Making of the Popes, 1978: The Politics of Intrigue in the Vatican, p. 437; September 15, 1979, Edward Arroyo, review of Crisis in the Church: A Study of Religion in America, p. 117; October 22, 1983, Joseph Browne, review of Ascent into Hell, p. 236; October 4, 1986, Joseph Leo Blotner, review of Confessions of a Parish Priest, p. 170; January 23, 1988, Jacob Neusner, "Andrew M. Greeley at Sixty," p. 63; May 13, 1989, Christine Long Brunkhorst, review of God in Popular Culture, p. 459; May 12, 1990, Patrick H. Samway, review of The Catholic Myth: The Behavior and Beliefs of American Catholics, p. 481; June 16, 1990, Harry J. Byrne, review of Religious Change in America, p. 611; August 25, 1990, Patrick H. Samway, review of The Bible and Us: A Priest and a Rabbi Read Scripture Together, p. 113; June 1, 1991, Victor R. Yanitelli, review of Faithful Attraction: Discovering Intimacy, Love, and Fidelity in American Marriage, p. 604; December 16, 1995, Patrick J. Hayes, review of Religion as Poetry, p. 25; April 8, 2000, Paul Wilkes, "A Sense of the Sacred," p. 31; April 5, 2004, John Jay Hughes, "Needed: More Happy Men," review of Priests: A Calling in Crisis, p. 40; August 30, 2004, Lawrence S. Cunningham, "Whose ‘Reform’," review of The Catholic Revolution: New Wine, Old Wineskins, and the Second Vatican Council, p. 22; January 1, 2007, Patricia A. Kossmann, "The Unstoppable Pen of Andrew M. Greeley," p. 15; February 26, 2007, Dennis M. Linehan, "A Dark Search," review of Irish Linen, p. 26.

Antioch Review, winter, 2006, Joseph William Goetz, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 181.

Best Sellers, November 15, 1973, Charles Dollen, review of Sexual Intimacy, p. 364.

Booklist, January 1, 1993, Ray Olson, review of Fall from Grace, p. 771; October 1, 1994, Brad Hooper, review of Irish Gold, p. 188; November 15, 1995, Sue-Ellen Beauregard, review of Angel Light: An Old-fashioned Love Story, p. 515; December 1, 1995, Mary Deeley, review of Windows: A Prayer Journal, p. 588; April 1, 1997, Kathleen Hughes, review of Summer at the Lake, p. 1268; September 1, 1997, review of Star Bright! A Christmas Story, p. 7; March 15, 1998, review of Irish Whiskey, p. 1205; April 1, 1998, review of Contract with an Angel, p. 1277; January 1, 1999, Margaret Flanagan, review of Irish Mist, p. 792; August 19, 1999, Mary Ellen Quinn, review of Younger than Springtime, p. 1986; October 15, 1999, Ray Olson, review of Furthermore! Memories of a Parish Priest, p. 394; February 15, 2000, Mary Carroll, review of Irish Eyes; March 1, 2000, Margaret Flanagan, review of The Catholic Imagination, p. 1174; July 1, 2000, Margaret Flanagan, review of The Bishop and the Missing L Train, p. 2012; September 1, 2000, Kathleen Hughes, review of A Christmas Wedding, p. 7; May 15, 2001, Kathleen Hughes, review of The Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain, p. 1707; August, 2001, Kathleen Hughes, review of September Song, p. 2086; January 1, 2002, Kathleen Hughes, review of Irish Stew, p. 776; July 1, 2002, Margaret Flanagan, review of The Bishop in the West Wing, p. 1826; February 15, 2003, Kathleen Hughes, review of Second Spring: A Love Story, p. 1018; October 1, 2003, Margaret Flanagan, review of The Great Mysteries: Experiencing Catholic Faith from the Inside Out, p. 284; October 15, 2003, Margaret Flanagan, review of The Bishop Goes to the University, p. 393; March 1, 2004, Steven Schroeder, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 1113; February 15, 2005, Margaret Flanagan, review of Irish Cream, p. 1064; December 15, 2005, Margaret Flanagan, review of The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood, p. 68; September 1, 2007, Margaret Flanagan, review of The Bishop at the Lake, p. 58; December 1, 2007, Margaret Flanagan, review of Irish Tiger, p. 26.

Books & Culture, May 1, 2003, Philip Jenkins, "Godless Europe?," review of Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium: A Sociological Profile, p. 27.

Catholic Historical Review, July, 2006, Joseph P. Chinnici, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 363.

Christian Century, February 20, 1985, review of How to Save the Catholic Church, p. 196; September 30, 1987, review of Catholic Contributions: Sociology and Policy, p. 836; April 18, 1990, review of The Catholic Myth, p. 410; March 20, 1991, review of Year of Grace: A Spiritual Journal, p. 345; September 13, 1995, Peter Heinegg, review of Religion as Poetry, p. 857; October 18, 2000, Leo D. Lefebure, review of The Catholic Imagination, p. 1051.

Christian Literature World, June, 1998, review of I Hope You're Listening, God: A Prayer Journal, p. 44.

Church History, September, 2005, Paula Kane, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 656.

Commonweal, December 14, 1973, review of Sexual Intimacy, p. 298; June 18, 1976, review of Catholic Schools in a Declining Church, p. 409; August 31, 1979, review of The Making of the Popes, 1978, p. 472; July 17, 1987, review of Angels of September, p. 416; May 18, 1990, Peter Steinfels, review of The Catholic Myth, p. 323; December 7, 1990, Karen Sue Smith, review of The Bible and Us, p. 728; May 5, 2000, James T. Fisher, review of The Catholic Imagination, p. 20; October 20, 2006, E.J. Dionne, Jr., "PBS Watchers," review of The Truth about Conservative Christians: What They Think and What They Believe, p. 22.

Detroit News Sunday Magazine, February 2, 1975, Pamela Porvaznik, interview with Andrew M. Greeley.

Economist, April 7, 1990, review of The Catholic Myth, p. 102.

First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, April, 2000, review of Furthermore!, p. 78; June-July, 2003, review of Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium, p. 54; April, 2004, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 58.

Houston Chronicle, October 12, 1996, Cecile S. Holmes, "A Man of Many Talents; Andrew Greeley Thrives on His Work as a Novelist, Sociologist, Professor and Priest," p. 1.

Journal of Church and State, summer, 2001, Carl F. Flynn, review of God in the Movies: A Sociological Investigation, p. 625; autumn, 2005, Celia Applegate, review of Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium, p. 880.

Journal of Ecumenical Studies, spring, 1998, John Charles Cooper, review of Forging a Common Future: Catholic, Judaic, and Protestant Relations for a New Millennium, p. 303; summer, 1998, John Gillman, review of Common Ground: A Priest and a Rabbi Read Scripture Together, p. 522.

Journal of Social History, summer, 2005, Timothy Kelly, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 1163.

Kirkus Reviews, December 15, 1992, review of Fall from Grace, p. 1524; December 1, 1993, review of Sacraments of Love: A Prayer Journal, p. 1504; September 15, 1994, review of Irish Gold, p. 1230; April 1, 1996, review of White Smoke: A Novel about the Next Papal Conclave, p. 467; August 1, 1997, review of Star Bright, p. 1135; December 15, 1997, review of Irish Whiskey, p. 1792; April 15, 1998, review of Contract with an Angel, p. 515; September 15, 1998, review of A Midwinter's Tale, p. 1310; February 1, 2004, review of The PriestlySins, p. 100; January 1, 2005, review of Irish Cream, p. 23; August 15, 2005, review of The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood, p. 885; December 15, 2005, review of Irish Crystal, p. 1302; September 15, 2006, review of The Senator and the Priest, p. 923; December 15, 2006, review of Irish Linen, p. 1244; August 1, 2007, review of The Bishop at the Lake.

Library Journal, November 15, 1973, J.W. Gartland, review of Sexual Intimacy, p. 3383; November 15, 1986, Nancy M. Laskowski, review of Confessions of a Parish Priest, p. 90; November 1, 1994, Mary Ellen Elsbernd, review of Irish Gold, p. 110; April 15, 1997, Lori Dunn, review of Summer at the Lake, p. 117; December, 1997, Georgia Panos, review of Irish Whiskey, p. 152; September 15, 1998, Georgia Panos, review of A Midwinter's Tale, p. 112; November 1, 1998, review of The Bishop and the Three Kings, p. 127; November 15, 1999, Leroy Hommerding, review of Furthermore!, p. 73; February 15, 2000, David I. Fulton, review of The Catholic Imagination, p. 170; February 1, 2002, Melanie C. Duncan, review of The Final Planet, p. 84; November 1, 2002, Richard K. Burns, review of The Book of Love: A Treasury Inspired by the Greatest of Virtues, p. 88; February 15, 2004, Jackie Cassada, review of Emerald Magic: Great Tales of Irish Fantasy, p. 167; February 15, 2004, John-Leonard Berg, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 132; October 15, 2006, review of The Truth about Conservative Christians, p. 67.

Los Angeles Times Book Review, June 6, 1982, review of The Bottom Line Catechism for Contemporary Catholics, p. 8; September 4, 1983, Elaine Kendall, review of Ascent into Hell, p. 6; June 8, 1984, Pat Hilton, review of Lord of the Dance, p. 28; December 9, 1984, review of How to Save the Catholic Church, p. 16; April 7, 1985, review of Virgin and Martyr, p. 4; March 16, 1986, review of Angels of September, p. 4; September 14, 1986, review of Confessions of a Parish Priest, p. 3; February 15, 1987, review of Patience of a Saint, p. 4; April 30, 1989, review of Religious Change in America, p. 6; April 15, 1990, review of The Cardinal Virtues, p. 8; September 16, 1990, review of St. Valentine's Night, p. 10; April 28, 1991, review of The Cardinal Virtues, p. 14; March 14, 1993, review of Fall from Grace, p. 7; November 13, 1994, review of Irish Gold, p. 14.

Midwest Book Review, April, 2002, Harriet Klausner, review of Irish Stew.

National Catholic Reporter, May 28, 1993, Tim McCarthy, "Stories Are Fr. Quixote's Bread and Wine," p. 24; November 15, 1996, Harry James Cargas, review of Religion as Poetry, p. 19; March 19, 1999, John L. Allen, Jr., "Still Telling Stories of Sin, Sex and Redemption," p. 14; April 2, 2004, Dennis M. Doyle, "Greeley's Book on Vatican II Mixes Revolution, Blarney," review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 15; June 18, 2004, Paul Philibert, "Debunking Stereotypes about Priestly Life," review of Priests, p. 21; November 18, 2005, John L. Allen, Jr., "Talking with Andrew Greeley."

National Review, April 15, 1977, review of The American Catholic, p. 444; February 22, 1985, Thomas P. McDonnell, review of How to Save the Catholic Church, p. 42; December 5, 1986, James Hitchcock, review of Confessions of a Parish Priest, p. 48; June 5, 1987, Peter Stravinskas, review of American Catholics since the Council: An Unauthorized Report, p. 53; April 16, 1990, George W. Rutler, review of The Catholic Myth, p. 51; December 5, 1994, Robert Royal, review of Religion as Poetry, p. 77.

New Republic, December 17, 1984, Joseph Nocera, review of How to Save the Catholic Church, p. 35; September 24, 1990, Andrew Sullivan, review of The Catholic Myth, p. 33.

Newsweek, July 30, 1990, review of The Bible and Us, p. 46.

New York Review of Books, March 4, 1976, review of Ethnicity in the United States: A Preliminary Reconnaissance, p. 15.

New York Times, March 13, 1972, review of Priests in the United States: Reflections on a Survey, p. 33; March 6, 1977, John Murray Cuddihy, review of The American Catholic, p. 3; September 21, 1979, Robert Blair Kaiser, review of The Making of the Popes, 1978, p. C23.

New York Times Book Review, June 24, 1979, Raymond A. Schroth, review of The Making of the Popes, 1978, p. 11; July 26, 1981, Frances Taliaferro, review of The Irish Americans: The Rise to Money and Power, p. 12; April 11, 1982, Webster Schott, review of Thy Brother's Wife, p. 7; July 3, 1983, Webster Schott, review of Ascent into Hell, p. 8; January 6, 1985, Raymond A. Schroth, review of How to Save the Catholic Church, p. 18; March 10, 1985, John Cooney, review of Virgin and Martyr, p. 13; September 29, 1985, Marilyn Stasio, review of Happy Are the Meek, p. 46; March 30, 1986, Maralyn Lois Polak, review of Angels of September, p. 10; September 14, 1986, Susan Allen Toth, review of Confessions of a Parish Priest, p. 14; September 21, 1986, Gerald Jonas, review of God Game, p. 31; February 8, 1987, Jack Sullivan, review of Patience of a Saint, p. 31; July 31, 1988, review of The Irish Americans, p. 32; August 14, 1988, Alison Teal, review of Angel Fire, p. 16; January 22, 1989, Kiki Olson, review of Love Song, p. 23; September 17, 1989, Sheila Paulos, review of St. Valentine's Night, p. 24; January 7, 1990, Andy Solomon, review of All about Women, p. 18; April 22, 1990, R. Stephen Warner, review of The Catholic Myth, p. 9; September 2, 1990, Philip Zaleski, review of The Bible and Us, p. 9; December 30, 1990, Katherine Ramsland, review of The Search for Maggie Ward, p. 14; June 23, 1991, review of The Bible and Us, p. 28; June 30, 1991, Peter Finn, review of An Occasion of Sin, p. 20; October 6, 1991, review of The Catholic Myth, p. 32; December 24, 1995, Mary Breasted, review of Angel Light, p. 10; August 11, 1996, Francis X. Clines, review of White Smoke, p. 16; May 2, 2004, Christopher Caldwell, review of Priests, p. 8.

People, July 9, 1979, Linda Witt, interview with Andrew M. Greeley; May 3, 1993, review of Fall from Grace, p. 36; June 20, 1983, review of Ascent into Hell, p. 18; March 31, 1986, Campbell Geeslin, review of Angels of September, p. 15; February 16, 1987, Campbell Geeslin, review of Patience of a Saint, p. 14; March 16, 1998, Ralph Novak, review of Irish Whiskey, p. 33.

Publishers Weekly, April 10, 1987, review of God Game, p. 92; March 23, 1990, Sybil Steinberg, review of The Cardinal Virtues, p. 66; November 23, 1990, Sybil Steinberg, review of The Search for Maggie Ward, p. 55; January 4, 1991, Genevieve Stuttaford, review of Faithful Attraction, p. 64; September 6, 1991, review of An Occasion of Sin, p. 77; February 3, 1992, review of Happy Are the Merciful, p. 75; June 22, 1992, review of Wages of Sin, p. 46; December 14, 1992, review of Fall from Grace, p. 38; March 8, 1993, review of Happy Are the Peacemakers, p. 73; February 14, 1994, review of Sacraments of Love, p. 65; October 17, 1994, reviews of Irish Gold, p. 65, and Happy Are the Poor in Spirit, p. 77; November 13, 1995, review of Angel Light, p. 50; February 26, 1996, review of Common Ground, p. 96; April 29, 1996, review of White Smoke, p. 50; October 14, 1996, review of Irish Lace, p. 67; March 24, 1997, review of Forging a Common Future, p. 74; May 19, 1997, review of Summer at the Lake, p. 65; September 1, 1997, review of Star Bright, p. 96; October 20, 1997, review of The Bishop at Sea, p. 73; December 8, 1997, review of Irish Whiskey, p. 57; August 3, 1998, review of A Midwinter's Tale, p. 71; February 15, 1999, review of Irish Mist, p. 90; August 30, 1999, review Younger than Springtime, p. 53; November 29, 1999, review of Furthermore!, p. 67; March 6, 2000, review of The Catholic Imagination, p. 104; March 27, 2000, Heidi Schlumpf, review of The Catholic Imagination, p. S22; May 22, 2000, review of The Bishop and the Missing L Train, p. 72; October 2, 2000, review of A Christmas Wedding, p. 55; January 1, 2001, review of Irish Love, p. 71; July 9, 2001, review of The Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain, p. 47; July 30, 2001, review of September Song, p. 58; February 18, 2002, review of Irish Stew, p. 79; May 20, 2002, review of The Bishop in the West Wing, p. 49; January 12, 2004, review of Emerald Magic, p. 42; January 19, 2004, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 70; February 2, 2004, review of The Priestly Sins, p. 57; December 19, 2005, review of Irish Crystal, p. 45; September 18, 2006, review of The Senator and the Priest, p. 33; November 20, 2006, review of Irish Linen, p. 41; July 16, 2007, review of The Bishop at the Lake, p. 148; November 19, 2007, review of Irish Tiger, p. 41.

Sociology of Religion, summer, 2005, John H. Simpson, review of The Catholic Revolution, p. 205.

Tablet (London, England), December 20, 2003, Gerald O'Collins, "The Dance of Passionate Love," review of The Great Mysteries.

Theology Today, October, 1984, Eileen P. Flynn, review of Angry Catholic Women.

Time, August 10, 1981, review of The Cardinal Sins, p. 70; July 1, 1991, Stefan Kanfer, review of An Occasion of Sin, p. 71.

Times Literary Supplement, August 31, 1984, review of Love and Play, p. 973.

U.S. Catholic, November, 2000, review of White Smoke, p. 42; May, 2007, Heidi Schlumpf, review of The Senator and the Priest, p. 45.

Village Voice, January 29, 1985, review of How to Save the Catholic Church, p. 47.

Virginia Quarterly Review, winter, 1990, review of Religious Change in America, p. 27.

Wall Street Journal, March 4, 1986, review of Angels of September, p. 28.

West Coast Review of Books, May, 1985, review of Virgin and Martyr, p. 32.


Andrew M. Greeley Home Page, (July 1, 2008)., (July 1, 2008), Roz Shea, review of The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood., (October 14, 2004), Sister Kevin Cummings, review of The Great Mysteries.

Public Broadcasting System Web site, (May 10, 2002), Judy Valente, "Interview: Andrew Greeley."

Spirituality and Practice, (July 1, 2008), Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, review of Death and Beyond.

Spiritual Woman, (July 1, 2008), Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, review of The Great Mysteries.

WTTW Web site, (October, 2001), John Callaway, "Chicago Stories: One-on-One with Father Andrew Greeley."

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