Fróes, João 1965-

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FRÓES, João 1965-

PERSONAL: Born February 26, 1965, in São Paulo, Brazil; son of Luiz (a television producer) and Tereza (an actress) Fróes; married, April 19, 1998; wife's name Sheila. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Attended Pontificia Universidade Catolica, 1988; University of Southern Mississippi, M.A., 1991, Ph.D., 1994. Religion: Roman Catholic. Hobbies and other interests: Music.

ADDRESSES: Home—Rua Erico Verissimo 300, Casa 1, Butanta, CEP 05560-000 São Paulo, Brazil. Office—Associacao Alumni, Rua Brasiliense 65, Santo Amaro, CEP 04729-110 São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail—

CAREER: Educator. Associacão Alumni, São Paulo, Brazil, professor, 1997—. Ehrenpreis Institute for Swift Studies, Münster, Germany, member, 1991—; translator.


(Editor) Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr.Jonathan Swift: By John Boyle, Earl of Cork and Orrery, University of Delaware Press (Newark, DE), 2000.

Contributor to books, including Venus and Adonis: Critical Essays, Garland Publishing (New York, NY). Contributor to periodicals, including Swift Studies and Scriblerian.

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