Freedman, David Noel 1922–
Freedman, David Noel 1922–
PERSONAL: Born May 12, 1922, in New York, NY; son of David (a writer) and Beatrice (Goodman) Freedman; married Cornelia Anne Pryor, May 16, 1944; children: Meredith Anne, Nadezhda, David Micaiah, Jonathan Pryor. Education: Attended City College (now City College of the City University of New York), 1935–38; University of California—Los Angeles, A.B., 1939; Princeton Theological Seminary, Th.B., 1944; Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D., 1948.
ADDRESSES: Office—Department of History, University of California—San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., Dept. 0104, La Jolla, CA 92093-5004. E-mail—
CAREER: Ordained minister of Presbyterian Church, 1944; supply pastor in Acme, WA, and Deming, WA, 1944–45; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, teaching fellow, 1946–47, assistant instructor, 1947–48; Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA, assistant professor, 1948–51, professor of Hebrew and Old Testament literature, 1951–60; Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA, professor, 1960–62, James A. Kelso Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Literature, 1962–64; San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA, professor of Old Testament, 1964–70, Gray Professor of Hebrew Exegesis, 1970–71, dean of faculty, 1966–70, acting dean of seminary, 1970–71; Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, professor of Old Testament, 1964–71; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, professor of Near Eastern studies and director of program on studies in religion, 1971–91, professor of biblical studies, 1984–92, professor emeritus, 1992–; University of California, San Diego, endowed chair in Hebrew Bible studies, 1987–, director of religious studies program, 1989–1997. Lecturer, Uppsala University, 1959, Johns Hopkins University, 1976, Loyola University, 1983, Society for Biblical Literature, 1983, Smithsonian Institution, 1984, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1989, Oslo University, 1991, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1991, Brigham Young Center for Near Eastern Studies, Jerusalem, 1993; visiting professor, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, 1967, Hebrew University, 1976–77, MacQuarie University, New South Wales, Australia, 1980, Texas Christian University, 1981, University of Queensland, 1982, 1984, and University of California—San Diego, 1985–87. Director of Ashdod excavation project, 1962–64, and Albright Institute for Archeological Research, 1969–70, 1976–77. Technical consultant, Milberg Productions, beginning 1961, including the films Jacob and Joseph, 1974, and King David, 1976.
MEMBER: Society of Biblical Literature (president, 1975–76), American Academy of Religion, Biblical Colloquium (secretary-treasurer, 1960–90), Archaeological Institute of America, American Oriental Society, American Schools of Oriental Research (vice president, 1970–; trustee, 1970–; director of publications, 1974–), Catholic Bible Association of America.
AWARDS, HONORS: Prize in New Testament exegesis, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1943; William H. Green fellow in Old Testament, 1944; William S. Rayner fellow, Johns Hopkins University, 1946–47; Guggenheim fellowship, 1959; American Association of Theological Schools fellowship, 1963; CareyThomas Award, Publishers Weekly, 1965, for "Anchor Bible" series; American Council of Learned Societies grants-in-aid, 1967, 1976; D.Litt., University of the Pacific, 1973; D.Sc., Davis and Elkins College, 1974; Johns Hopkins University Centennial Scholar, 1976; Laymen's National Bible Committee Annual Award, 1978; three awards from Biblical Archaeology Society, 1993, for the "Anchor Bible."
(With Frank M. Cross, Jr.) The Evolution of Early Hebrew Orthography: The Epigraphic Evidence, 1948, revised edition published as Early Hebrew Orthography, American Oriental Society (New Haven, CT), 1952.
(With J.M. Allegro) The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1958.
(With R.M. Grant) The Secret Sayings of Jesus: The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1960.
(Editor) The Biblical Archaeologist Reader, Doubleday (New York, NY), Volume 1 (with G.E. Wright), 1961, Volume 2 (with Edward F. Campbell), 1964, Volume 3 (with Edward F. Campbell), 1970, Volume 4 (with Edward F. Campbell), 1983.
(With Moshe Dothan) Ashdod I, Department of Antiquities and Museums (Jerusalem, Israel), 1967.
The New World of the Old Testament, San Francisco Theological Seminary (San Anselmo, CA), 1968.
(With Jonas C. Greenfield) New Directions in Biblical Archaeology, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1969.
(With Frank M. Cross, Jr.) Scrolls from Qumran Cave I, Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (Jerusalem), 1972.
(Editor) The Published Works of William Foxwell Albright: A Comprehensive Bibliography, American Schools of Oriental Research (Cambridge, MA), 1975.
(With Frank M. Cross, Jr.) Studies in Ancient Yahwistic Poetry, Scholars Press (Atlanta, GA), 1975, revised edition, Dove/W.B. Eerdmans (Grand Rapids, MI), 1997.
(With Leona G. Running) William Foxwell Albright: Twentieth-Century Genius, Two Continents Publishing (New York, NY), 1975, second edition, 1991.
(With B. Mazar and Gaalyah Cornfeld) The Mountain of the Lord, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1975.
(With W. Phillips) An Explorer's Life of Jesus, Two Continents Publishing (New York, NY), 1975.
(Editor) The Published Works of William Foxwell Albright: A Comprehensive Bibliography, American Schools of Oriental Research (New Haven, CT), 1975.
(With Gaalyah Cornfeld) Archaeology of the Bible: Book by Book, Harper (New York, NY), 1976.
(Coeditor) Yehuda T. Radday, An Analytical Linguistic Key-Word-in-Context Concordance to the Book of Judges, Biblical Research Associates (Missoula, MT), 1977.
Excavation Reports, American Schools of Oriental Research (New Haven, CT), 1978.
(Editor) Preliminary Excavation Reports: Bab edhDhra, Sardis, Meiron, Tell el Hesi, Carthage (Punic), American Schools of Oriental Research (New Haven, CT), 1978.
(Editor) Archeological Reports from the Tabqa Dam Project—Euphrates Valley, Syria, American Schools of Oriental Research (New Haven, CT), 1979.
(Coeditor) Yehuda T. Radday, An Analytical Linguistic Key-Word-in-Context Concordance to the Book of Genesis, Biblical Research Associates (Missoula, MT), 1979.
(Author and editor, with F.I. Andersen) Hosea: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary ("Anchor Bible" series), Doubleday (Garden City, NJ), 1980.
Pottery, Poetry, and Prophecy: Studies in Early Hebrew Poetry, Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 1980.
(Coeditor) Palestine in Transition: The Emergence of Ancient Israel, Almond Press (Sheffield, England), 1983.
(With K.A. Mathews) The Paleo-Hebrew Leviticus Scroll, Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 1985.
(Coeditor) Backgrounds for the Bible, Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 1987.
(Author and editor, with F.I. Andersen) Amos: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary ("Anchor Bible" series), Doubleday (New York, NY), 1989.
(Editor, with W.H. Propp and Baruch Halpern) The Hebrew Bible and Its Interpreters, Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 1990.
The Unity of the Hebrew Bible, University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, MI), 1991.
(With A.D. Forbes and F.I. Andersen) Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic Orthography, Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 1992.
(With Sara Mandell) The Relationship between Herodotus' History and Primary History, Scholars Press (Atlanta, GA), 1993.
(Coeditor) Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 1995.
Divine Commitment and Human Obligation: Selected Writings of David Noel Freedman, two volumes, W.B. Eerdmans (Grand Rapids, MI), 1997.
(Coeditor) J. David Thompson and J. Arthur Baird, A Critical Concordance to the Epistle of Barnabas, Biblical Research Associates (Missoula, MT), 1997.
(Coeditor) J. David Thompson and J. Arthur Baird, A Critical Concordance to the Epistle to Diognetus, Biblical Research Associates (Missoula, MT), 1997.
(Coeditor) J. David Thompson and J. Arthur Baird, A Critical Concordance to the Martyrdom of Saint Polycarp, Biblical Research Associates (Missoula, MT), 1997.
(Coeditor) J. David Thompson and J. Arthur Baird, A Critical Concordance to the Shepherd of Hermas, Biblical Research Associates (Missoula, MT), 1998.
(Editor, with James A. Sanders, Marilyn J. Lundberg, and Astrid B. Beck) The Leningrad Codex: A Facsimile Edition, W.B. Eerdmans (Grand Rapids, MI), 1998.
(With Jeffrey C. Geoghegan and Andrew Welch) Psalm 119: The Exaltation of Torah, Eisenbrauns (Winona Lake, IN), 1999.
(Editor) Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, W.B. Eerdmans (Grand Rapids, MI), 2000.
(Author and editor, with F.I. Andersen) Micah: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary ("Anchor Bible" series), Doubleday (New York, NY), 2000.
(With Jeffrey C. Geoghegan and Michael M. Homan) The Nine Commandments: Uncovering a Hidden Pattern of Crime and Punishment in the Hebrew Bible, edited by Astrid B. Beck, Doubleday (New York, NY), 2000.
(Editor, with Michael J. McClymond) The Rivers of Paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as Religious Founders, W.B. Eerdmans (Grand Rapids, MI), 2001.
Also coauthor of Jesus: The Four Gospels, 1973, and (with T. Kachel) Religion and the Academic Scene, 1975. Contributor to books, including The Bible and the Ancient Near East, edited by G. Ernest Wright, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1961, and Scripture and Ecumenism, edited by L.J. Swidler, Duquesne University Press (Pittsburgh, PA), 1965. "Anchor Bible" series, Doubleday (New York, NY), editor with W.F. Albright, 1956–71, editor in chief, 1971–; editor, with J.A. Baird, "Computer Bible" series, Biblical Research Associates, 1971–; editor for Reader's Digest books, including Atlas of the Bible, 1981, Family Guide to the Bible, 1984, Mysteries of the Bible, 1984, Who's Who in the Bible, 1994, The Bible through the Ages, 1996, and The Complete Guide to the Bible, 1998; editor, "Anchor Bible Reference Library," 1988–; editor in chief, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, six volumes, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1992; editor, "Eerdmans Critical Commentary" series. Consulting editor, Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, 1957–60, and Theologisches Worterbuch des alten Testaments, 1970–92. Editorial consultant to religious book departments, Doubleday, 1959–70, and Macmillan & Co., 1961–66, and to Genesis Project, 1973. Contributor to professional journals, including Journal of Biblical Literature, Presbyterian Life, Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin, and Concordia Theological Quarterly. Journal of Biblical Literature, associate editor, 1952–54, editor, 1955–59; editor, American Schools of Oriental Research Bulletin, 1974–78, and Biblical Archaeologist, 1976–82.
SIDELIGHTS: David Noel Freedman is an eminent biblical scholar whose work, especially as an editor of series such as the award-winning "Anchor Bible," has been valued by religious researchers going back to the 1950s. Decades later, he is still garnering respect from Bible experts for such works as the The Anchor Bible Dictionary, the compilation of which he supervised as editor in chief. Although noting some minor omissions in the six-volume reference work, Lawrence S. Cunningham, writing in Commonweal, called it "an extremely important reference tool both because of the solidity of the contributions and the abundant bibliographics. In that sense it will surely be the standard reference work on the shelf of every public and academic library." Christian Century writers Robert L. Brawley and Edward F. Campbell further remarked that the The Anchor Bible Dictionary bears witness to the fact that Freedman is "one of the most energetic, wide-ranging and creative figures in the current firmament of biblical scholarship."
Freedman received attention more recently for The Nine Commandments: Uncovering a Hidden Pattern of Crime and Punishment in the Hebrew Bible, which he wrote with Jeffrey C. Geoghegan and Michael M. Homan. In this work, Freedman makes the important assertion that it was not God who abandoned the Jews but rather the Jews who abandoned God because they repeatedly broke His commandments. (Freedman does not include "Thou shalt not covet" as the tenth commandment because covetous behavior is, in essence, according to Freedman, at the heart of several of the other commandments). Library Journal contributor Marcia Welsh called The Nine Commandments a "convincing and most stimulating new book." A Publishers Weekly critic praised the work even more highly, writing that it is a "rare example of a scholar who manages to say something new—new!—in an utterly accessible and engaging book about the Bible."
America, February 6, 1993, Daniel J. Harrington, review of The Anchor Bible Dictionary, p. 26; March 12, 2001, Daniel J. Harrington, "Books on the Bible: An Annual Roundup of Important Books on Scripture," p. 17.
Christian Century, April 21, 1993, Robert L. Brawley and Edward F. Campbell, review of The Anchor Bible Dictionary, p. 426; April 18, 2001, Leo D. Lefebure, review of The Rivers of Paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as Religious Founders, p. 27.
Commonweal, November 20, 1992, Lawrence S. Cunningham, review of The Anchor Bible Dictionary, p. 28.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies, April, 2005, Kent Sparks, review of The Rivers of Paradise, p. 145; October, 2005, Dennis Pardee, review of Eerdman's Dictionary of the Bible, p. 285.
Library Journal, November 15, 2000, Marcia Welsh, review of The Nine Commandments: Uncovering a Hidden Pattern of Crime and Punishment in the Hebrew Bible, p. 74.
Publishers Weekly, October 16, 2000, review of The Nine Commandments, p. 68.