Fratianni, Michele (Ugo) 1941-

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FRATIANNI, Michele (Ugo) 1941-

PERSONAL: Born March 7, 1941, in Florence, Italy; immigrated to the United States, 1964; son of Giuseppe and Nannina (Pistilli) Fratianni; married Linda Kubiac, September 29, 1963; children: John, Paul, Claudia. Education: Duca d'Aosta (Florence, Italy), graduated, 1961; Ohio State University, B.A. (cum laude) and M.A., both 1967, Ph.D., 1971. Hobbies and other interests: Running, swimming, hiking, skiing, music, travel.

ADDRESSES: Home—4593 North Maple Grove Rd., Bloomington, IN 47401. Office—Department of Business Economics and Public Policy, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University—Bloomington, 10th and Fee Lane, Bloomington, IN 47405; fax: 812-855-3354. E-mail—

CAREER: Indiana University—Bloomington, assistant professor, 1971-75, associate professor of business economics and public policy, 1975-76; Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium, economic advisor, 1976-79; Indiana University—Bloomington, professor, 1979-93, AMOCO faculty fellow, 1993-97, W. George Pinnell Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, 1998—, department chair, 1997—, director of business program at University of Maastricht, 2001. Catholic University of Louvain, visiting professor, 1973—; Catholic University of Milan, visiting professor, 1985-86; University of Rome, Università Sapienza, visiting professor, 1991; Free University of Berlin, Bundesbank Professor of International Monetary Economics, 1995; Marquette University, Allis-Chalmers Distinguished Professor of International Economics, 1995; University of Brescia, member of finance faculty, 2002; guest speaker at many other institutions, including Carnegie-Mellon University, Claremont Graduate School, Erasmus University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, University of Aberdeen, University of Athens, and University of Bucharest. International Economic Center, Rome, Italy, founding member, 1988—; UniversEd, president, 1999; Center for Economics and Policy Studies, Turin, Italy, member of board of directors. Open Economies Review, founder and managing editor, 1990—. Argus Research Corp., affiliate, 1974-76; Confindustria, member of scientific board, 1976-79; President's Council of Economic Advisors, senior staff economist, 1981-82; International Baltic Economic Commission, head of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Committee, 1991-92; Nemetria of Foligno, member of scientific board, 1997—; consultant to governments of Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Vietnam, and to banks, corporations, educational institutions, and foundations.

MEMBER: International Trade and Finance Association (member of board of directors), American Economic Association, Mont Pelerin Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma.

AWARDS, HONORS: Awards from International Business Research Institute, 1971, 1972, 1973, and Comitato Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1972; Medal of the President of the Italian Republic, 1982; named ufficiale della Repubblica italiana, 1982; Gold Medal, Pio Manzu' Center, 1982; senior Fulbright fellow, 1985-86; fellow, Indiana Center for Global Business, 1989; Scanno Prize for economics, 1991; grants from Center for German and European Studies, University of California—Berkeley, 1991-92, 1993-94; St. Vincent Prize for economics, 1992; fellow, Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, Rome, 1993; British Academy visiting professor, 1994.


(With Paolo Savona) La Liquidita' internazionale (title means "International Liquidity"), Il Mulino (Bologna, Italy), 1972.

Inflazione, produzione e politica economica in Italia (title means "Inflation, Output, and Economic Policy in Italy"), Franco Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1975.

(With G. LaMalfa and B. Trezza) L'economia italiana, 1974-1975 (title means "The Italian Economy, 1974-1975"), Franco Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1975.

(With P. Armani, M. DeCecco, and G. LaMalfa) L'economia italiana, 1975-1977 (title means "The Italian Economy, 1975-1977"), Franco Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1976.

(With John C. Pattison) Le organizzazioni economiche internazionali (title means "International Economic Organizations"), Franco Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1977.

(With G. Basevi, M. DeCecco, and G. LaMalfa) L'economic italiana, 1976-1978 (title means "The Italian Economy, 1976-1978"), Franco Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1977.

(With others) L'economic italiana, 1977-1979 (title means "The Italian Economy, 1977-1979"), Franco Angeli (Milan, Italy), 1978.

(Editor) One Money for Europe, Macmillan (London, England), 1978.

(With Paul DeGrauwe and Mustapha Nabli) Money, Output, and Exchange Rates: The European Experience, Macmillan (London, England), 1985.

(With Franco Spinelli) La storia monetaria d'Italia, 1860-1980, Mondadori (Milan, Italy), 1991, revised translation published as A Monetary History of Italy, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1997.

(Editor, with C. Wilborg and T. D. Willett) Financial Regulation and Monetary Arrangements after 1992, North-Holland Publishing (New York, NY), 1991.

(Editor, with Dominick Salvatore) Handbook of Monetary Policy, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 1992.

(With Jürgen von Hagen) The European Monetary System and European Monetary Union, Westview Press (Boulder, CO), 1992.

(With Jürgen von Hagen and Christopher Waller) The Maastricht Way to EMU, International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University (Princeton, NJ), 1992.

(Editor, with Dominick Salvatore) Monetary Policy in Developed Economies, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 1993.

(Editor, with Dominick Salvatore and Jürgen von Hagen) Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies, Greenwood Press (Westport, CT), 1997.

(Acting editor) Horst Entorf, editor, Mismatch Explanations of European Unemployment: A Critical Evaluation, Springer (New York, NY), 1998.

(Editor, with Dominick Salvatore and Paolo Savona) Ideas for the Future of the International Monetary System, Kluwer Academic (Boston, MA), 1999.

(With Franco Spinelli) Storia monetaria d'Italia: Lira e politica monetaria dall'unitá all'Unione europea, ETAS (Milan, Italy), 2001.

(Editor, with Paolo Savona and John J. Kirton) Governing Global Finance: New Challenges, G7 and IME Contributions, Ashgate Publishing (Burlington, VT), 2002.

(Editor, with Paolo Savona and John J. Kirton) Sustaining Global Growth and Development: G7 and IMF Governance, Ashgate Publishing (Burlington, VT), 2003.

Coeditor of the series "Global Finance," Ashgate Publishing (Burlington, VT), 2002—. Contributor of several dozen articles to economics and finance journals. Member of review board, Rivista di diritto valutario e di economic internazionale, until 1992, Mondo bancario, 2000—, Rivista di sistemi finanziari, Political Economy of Global Interdependence, and International Trade Journal; member of editorial advisory board, Sviluppo economico.

SIDELIGHTS: Michele Fratianni once told CA: "I studied economics because I wanted to understand the world and change it. Perhaps I was naive, as young people can be. Today, many years after I made that decision, my professional work becomes most gratifying when I can sense that it may have an impact on the way economic policy is formulated and implemented."



Choice, October, 1997, D. Mitch, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 341.

De Economist, December, 1998, Henriette Prast, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 642.

Economic History Review, August, 1998, Francesca Carnevali, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 626.

Economic Journal, May, 1998, Geoffrey E. Wood, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 885.

Journal of Common Market Studies, March, 1995, Andrew J. Hughes Hallett, review of The European Monetary System and European Monetary Union, p. 166.

Journal of Economic History, March, 1999, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 218.

Journal of Economic Literature, March, 1994, review of Monetary Policy in Developed Economies, p. 208; December, 1997, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 2168; March, 1998, review of Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies, p. 330; March, 1999, Gianni Toniolo, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 211; September, 1999, review of Ideas for the Future of the International Monetary System, p. 1252.

Kyklos, winter, 1997, Carsten Hefeker, review of A Monetary History of Italy, p. 599.

Reference and Research Book News, November, 1997, review of Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies, p. 54.

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, fall, 1998, Michael Carlberg, review of Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies, p. 743.


Michele Fratianni Home Page, (September 16, 2004).*