dyer, kc 1961-

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dyer, kc 1961-


Born January 4, 1961, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; has children. Education: University of Calgary, B.Ed., 1982.


Home—British Columbia, Canada. E-mail—kcdyer@telus.net.


Freelance writer.


Seeds of Time, Boardwalk Books (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 2002.

Secret of Light, Boardwalk Books (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 2003.

Shades of Red, Boardwalk Books (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 2005.

Ms. Zephyr's Notebook, Boardwalk Books (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 2007.

Author of the blog leftwriter.


kc dyer is a Canadian freelance writer who published her first novel, Seeds of Time, in 2002. Darrell Connor, a young girl living in present-day British Columbia, tries to overcome her depression after losing both her leg and her father in an accident. Darrell, with her new friends Brodie and Kate, slip through the fabric of time and end up in Scotland at the height of the Black Plague. Brodie and Kate get stuck there, however, and it is up to Darrell to rescue them.

Dave Jenkinson, writing in CM Magazine, commented that "the plot in the past, involving Luke, Lady Eleanor and Hamish, the treacherous and disloyal Captain of the Guard, is much more interesting than the thin storyline around Conrad Kennedy and his smuggling." Jenkinson added that "Dyer has clearly done her historical homework, and the 14th century Scotland she recreates is filled with rich and interesting historical detail."

In 2005 dyer published Shades of Red. Once again Darrell and her friends somehow wind up in Europe at the end of the European Inquisition. In trying to fix the problems of history, she ends up in the court of England's Henry VIII.

Libby McKeever, writing in CM Magazine, remarked that she "thoroughly enjoyed Shades of Red and promptly went to my favourite local bookstore to purchase the first book in the series," adding: "I wasn't disappointed." McKeever noted that "Dyer has crafted a clever, fast moving premise to this historical time fantasy series that will appeal to young teens and their history teachers."

dyer published Ms. Zephyr's Notebook in 2007. Logan Kemp gets seriously injured while playing rugby and ends up in the hospital. There he meets Cleopatra Jones, in the hospital with a broken wrist (though he suspects for more than that). Through each other, they are able to break free of the walls that have both confined and defined their lives up until this point.

McKeever, writing in CM Magazine, "highly recommended" the novel, adding that the "very familiar and yet appealing" cover "will compel readers to pick it up." McKeever stated: "Although the characters range in age from eleven to fifteen, the storyline is one that would have broad appeal. While there is the very occasional use of ‘bad’ language, the content of self-awareness, internal struggles and dealing with adversity is valuable to young readers."

dyer told CA: "I was born in Calgary, and after a peripatetic decade or two now live with my children (and other small animals) north of Vancouver, British Columbia, where I work as a freelance writer. I am the author of a number of books for young adults that are published in North America and the United Kingdom. Having a secret fondness for inducing nausea in teens, I can often be found sharing some of the greatest, grotesque moments in history with large groups of high school students. Unable to see the folly of my ways, I continue to write and most days I can be found sitting at my desk, staring out the window and trying to think of the perfect word."



Books in Canada, March, 2004, Heather Birrell, review of Secret of Light, p. 44.

Canadian Book Review Annual, 2003, Tami Oliphant, review of Secret of Light, p. 481; 2005, Darleen R. Golke, review of Shades of Red, p. 480.

CM Magazine, December 13, 2002, Dave Jenkinson, review of Seeds of Time; May 27, 2005, Libby McKeever, review of Shades of Red; September 28, 2007, Libby McKeever, review of Ms. Zephyr's Notebook.


kc dyer Home Page,http://www.kcdyer.com (February 20, 2008), author biography.