Dubost, Thierry 1958-

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DUBOST, Thierry 1958-

PERSONAL: Born June 4, 1958, in Cherbourg, France; son of Jacques (a teacher) and Thérèse (a manager; maiden name, Pruvost) Dubost; married Elaine Fontaine (a deputy headmistress), August 26, 1983; children: Clarissa, Valentin. Education: University of Caen, M.A., 1982; Sorbonne, University of Paris IV, Ph.D., 1993.

ADDRESSES: Home—Falaise, France. Office—Departement d'Anglais, Universite de Caen, Esplanade de la Paix, 14032 Caen Codex, France. E-mail—Dubost@cte.unicaen.fr.

CAREER: Schoolteacher in France, 1985-93; University of Caen, Caen, France, assistant professor, 1993-94, associate professor, 1994-2001, professor of English, 2001—. Open University of Caen, dean of Distance Learning Center and former head of English studies.

MEMBER: Eugene O'Neill Society, SOFEIR, RADAC, SAES.


(Translator) Wole Soyinka, Death and the King's Horseman, Hatier, 1986.

Struggle, Defeat, or Rebirth: Eugene O'Neill's Vision of Humanity, McFarland (Jefferson, NC), 1997.

(Editor, with Alice Mills) La Femme noire americaine: Aspects d'une crise d'identite (title means "Black American Women: Aspects of an Identity Crisis"), Presses Universitaires de Caen (Caen, France), 1997.

(Editor, with Paul Brennan) Regards croises sur G. B. Shaw (title means "G. B. Shaw: Crossing Lines"), Presses Universitaires de Caen (Caen, France), 1998.

Le Théâtre de Thomas Kilroy, Presses Universitaires de Caen (Caen, France), 2001.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Research on the plays of Eugene O'Neill and on contemporary American and Irish drama.

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Dubost, Thierry 1958-

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