Dolis, John 1945-

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Dolis, John 1945-


Born April 25, 1945, in St. Louis, MO. Ethnicity: "French-Italian." Education: St. Louis University, B.A., 1967; Loyola University of Chicago, M.A., 1969, Ph.D., 1978.


Home—Scranton, PA. Office—Department of English, Worthington Scranton Campus, Pennsylvania State University, Dunmore, PA 18512. E-mail—


High school English teacher in Chicago, IL, 1969-70; Columbia College, Chicago, instructor in television department, 1970-71; Neil Stewart and Associates, Inc., Chicago, copywriter and music writer, 1973-74; Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, lecturer in English, 1974-76; Playboy Clubs International, Boulder, CO, translator of foreign correspondence, 1975-78; Loyola University of Chicago, lecturer in English, 1978-80; University of Turin, Turin, Italy, Fulbright lecturer in English and American literature, 1980-81; University of Kansas, Lawrence, instructor in English, 1981-85; University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, Fulbright senior lecturer in philology, 1989-90; Pennsylvania State University, Worthington Scranton Campus, Dunmore, assistant professor, 1985-92, associate professor, 1992-2005, professor of English and American studies, 2005—, coordinator of international programs, 2004—. Northeastern Illinois University, instructor, 1978-80; Bilkent University, visiting professor, 1995-96; conference participant in the United States and elsewhere. Script writer for Chicago-area television stations, CBS, 1966, and WTTW, 1971.


International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Modern Language Association of America, American Comparative Literature Association, American Culture Association, American Literature Association, Nathaniel Hawthorne Society, Thoreau Society, Fulbright Association, Northeast Modern Language Association.


Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1979, 1988; Pennsylvania State University, Pharmakon Research International award, 1991, travel grant for Italy, 1996, Dr. Richard J. and Sally Matthews Award for Scholarly Activity, 2006.


Bl()nk Space (poetry), Runaway Spoon Press (Port Charlotte, FL), 1993.

The Style of Hawthorne's Gaze: Regarding Subjectivity, University of Alabama Press (Tuscaloosa, AL), 1993.

Time Flies: Butterflies (poetry), Runaway Spoon Press (Port Charlotte, FL), 1999.

Tracking Thoreau: Double-Crossing Nature and Technology, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press (Madison, NJ), 2005.

Contributor to books, including The Moral Sense: Phenomenological Psychiatry, Medical Ethics, Social Practice, edited by A.-T. Tymieniecka, D. Reidel (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 1986; and Poetry of the Elements in the Human Condition, edited by A.-T. Tymieniecka, Kluwer Academic (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 1988. Contributor of articles, poetry, and reviews to literature journals and literary magazines, including Modern Language Quarterly, Antemnae, Criticism, Journal of Contemporary Poets, Social Science Perspectives Journal, Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, Midwest Poetry Review, Arizona Quarterly, Phenomenological Inquiry, and National Hawthorne Review. Editor, Information Systems Newsletter, 1972, National Association of Remedial/Developmental Studies in Post-Secondary Education Newsletter, 1979-80. Member of editorial board, Illinois English Bulletin poetry issues, 1970, 1971, Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, 1993—, Antemnae, 2002-04, Arizona Quarterly, 2002—, and Journal of American Culture, 2005—.



PSWS Faculty: John Dolis, (June 25, 2007).

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