Dilmore, Kevin

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PERSONAL: Married Michelle Bonds, June, 2003; children: three daughters. Education: University of Kansas, B.A., 1986, and B.S., 1988.

ADDRESSES: Home—Prairie Village, KS. Agent—c/o Author Mail, Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. E-mail—dilmore@kc.rr.com.

CAREER: Writer and journalist. Republic newspaper, Paola, KS, news editor, reporter, and photographer, 1988–2003;

AWARDS, HONORS: Two-time winner, Burton W. Marvin Kansas News Enterprise Award, William Allen White Foundation, University of Kansas; Victor Murdoch Award for excellence in community journalism, Kansas Press Association; multiple Kansas Press Association awards for in-depth journalism.



Interphase—Book 1 (e-book; also see below), Pocket Books, 2001.

Interphase—Book 2 (e-book; also see below), Pocket Books, 2001.

(With others) Have Tech, Will Travel (includes Interphase—Book 1), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2002.

(With others) Miracle Workers (includes Interphase—Book 2), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2002.

Foundations—Book 1 (e-book; also see below), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2002.

Foundations—Book 2 (e-book), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2002.

Foundations—Book 3 (e-book), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2002.

Home Fires (e-book), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2003.

Foundations (includes Foundations—Book 1, Foundations—Book 2, and Foundations—Book 3), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2004.

Grand Designs (e-book), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2004.

Where Time Stands Still (e-book), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2004.


A Time to Sow, Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2004.

A Time to Harvest, Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2004.


Contributor of short stories to Star Wars Kids magazine, 1999, to anthology Star Trek: New Frontier—No Limits, Pocket Books, 2003, and to Web site Reality Cops: The Continuing Adventures of Vale and Mist, Episode One, 2004. Contributor of articles to Amazing Stories, Star Wars Kids, and to StarTrek.com. Star Trek Communicator magazine, contributing writer, 1997–.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Breakdowns, another title in the "Starfleet Corps of Engineers" series.

SIDELIGHTS: Kevin Dilmore is a former award-winning Kansas journalist who, in 2003, gave up his newspaper work to write full time on various aspects of Star Trek. An avid fan of the television show since childhood, Dilmore turned this avocation into a vocation, writing articles for the Star Trek Communicator magazine, the official fanzine. Also, with writer Dayton Ward, he has teamed up on numerous e-books for the series "Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers," as well as for the book series, "Star Trek: The Next Generation." Among titles for the former series, the three-part Foundations and two-part Interphase have also been published in book format. Reviewing the book Have Tech, Will Travel, in which the first part of Interphase appeared, Kliatt reviewer Hugh M. Flick, Jr., noted that "Starfleet Corps of Engineers" is a "fine addition to the Star Trek printed series."

Dilmore's two contributions to the "Next Generation" series, A Time to Sow and A Time to Harvest, finds the Starship Enterprise exploring the distant reaches of the galaxy where the crew discovers the remnants of a civilization that has been ravaged by a global disaster. Captain Picard and his team initially come to help, but soon find that not everything is as it appears; they must defeat a hidden enemy and avoid being hijacked themselves.



Kliatt, July, 2002, Hugh M. Flick, Jr., review of Have Tech, Will Travel, p. 32; September, 2004, Hugh Flick, Jr., review of A Time to Sow, p. 33; November, 2004, Hugh Flick, Jr., review of A Time to Harvest, p. 126.


Dayton Ward Home Page, http://www.daytonward.com/ (May 8, 2005).

Starfest Denver Web site, http://www.starland.com/ (May 8, 2005), "Kevin Dilmore."

Trek Nation Web site, http://www.treknation.com/ (March 8, 2004), Jacqueline Bundy, "Dayton Ward and Kevin Gilmore."

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