Dibona, Joseph E. 1927-

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Dibona, Joseph E. 1927-


Born July 18, 1927, in New York, NY. Ethnicity: "White." Education: University of Wisconsin—Madison, B.A., 1951; California College of Arts and Crafts, M.F.A., 1960; University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., 1967.


Office—Program in Education, Campus Box 90739, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708; fax: 919-660-3080. E-mail—jdibona@duke.edu.


Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY, lecturer in education, 1965-67; Duke University, Durham, NC, associate professor of comparative education and South Asian language and area studies, beginning 1967. North Carolina State Advisory Committee of U.S. Civil Rights Commission, member.


Comparative Education Society, American Educational Studies Association.


Fulbright fellow in India, 1970 and 1981-82; fellow of American Institute for Indian Studies, 1970.


Change and Conflict in the Indian University, Program in Comparative Studies on Southern Asia, Duke University (Durham, NC), 1969.

(With Jeat Jossan and Nirmal Jossan) Language Change and Modernization: The Development of Hindi-English, English-Hindi Glossary of Technical Terms in the Field of Education, Gujarat Vidyapith (Ahmedabad, India), 1970.

(Editor) The Context of Education in Indian Development, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), 1974.

(Editor and author of introduction) One Teacher, One School: The Adam Reports on Indigenous Education in Nineteenth Century India, Biblia Impex (New Delhi, India), 1983.

Critical Perspectives on Indian Education, Bahri Publications (New Delhi, India), 1989.

My Heart Belongs to Sammy, Professional Press (Chapel Hill, NC), 2005.

Contributor to periodicals, including School and Society, Asian Profile, and Comparative Education Review.


Joseph E. DiBona told CA: "My motivation for writing is to discover myself and learn how I am influenced by the world around me. Basically I am influenced by great religious leaders and Hindu philosophy. Today I am doing more creative writing and less academic research. Still, I continue to work with young children and aim to encourage them to find and follow their dreams."

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