Diamond, Peter A. 1940-

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DIAMOND, Peter A. 1940-


Born April 29, 1940, in New York, NY; son of Daniel (an attorney) and Dora (a homemaker; maiden name, Kolsky) Diamond; married Priscilla Myrick, October 16, 1966; children: Matthew, Andrew. Education: Yale University, B.A., 1960; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D., 1963.


Office—E52-344, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307; fax: 617-253-3363. E-mail—pdiamond@mit.edu.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, professor, 1966—, Wicksell Lecturer, 1984. Cambridge University, Churchill Lecturer, 1993; Oxford University, Lindahl Lecturer, 1999.


(Editor, with M. Rothschild) Uncertainty in Economics: Readings and Exercises, Academic Press (San Diego, CA), 1978, revised edition, 1989.

A Search Equilibrium Approach to the Micro Foundations of Macro-Economics, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 1984.

(Editor) Growth, Productivity, Unemployment: Essays to Celebrate Bob Solow's Birthday, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 1990.

On Time: Lectures on Models of Equilibrium, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, England), 1994.

(Editor, with D. Lindeman and H. Young) Social Security: What Role for the Future?, Brookings Institution (Washington, DC), 1996.

(Editor) Issues in Privatizing Social Security: Report of an Expert Panel of the National Academy of Social Insurance, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 1999.

Social Security Reform, Oxford University Press (Oxford, England), 2002.

Taxation, Incomplete Markets, and Social Security: The 2000 Munich Lectures, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 2003.

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