Davis, Lexi

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Davis, Lexi


Female. Education: University of California at Los Angeles, B.A., graduate certificate in screenwriting.


Home—CA. Agent—c/o Author Mail, Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. E-mail—lexi@lexidavis.com.


Writer and novelist.


Pretty Evil (novel), Pocket Books (New York, NY), 2005.


Lexi Davis is a full-time writer and novelist. In an interview in Book Remarks, Davis described her first novel, Pretty Evil, as "a funny, racy paranormal story about three playboys who tick off a sexy supernatural vixen." Real estate agent Alison "Sunnie" Clark is a sincere churchgoing woman who believes in living right and treating people honestly. She also has the ability to sense the presence of evil in its various forms. Sunnie is involved in a chaste relationship with her plastic-surgeon boyfriend, but her three best friends—all males—are no angels when it comes to women. Rice Jordan is a noted mystery writer; Franklin "Coach" Brass is a pro football player temporarily sidelined by an injury; and Geffen Cage is a wealthy, idle playboy. When the trio approaches Sunnie to help them find a suitable property for a proposed bed-and-breakfast club for the rich, she agrees to sell them a perfect house in Beverly Hills on the condition that they start attending church. After all, if she can help them with their business plans, she should be able to help with their eternal souls, as well. The three men agree, with little intention to actually follow through.

When Sunnie shows them the house, a former brothel, she senses that it is infested with evil. The trio insists on purchasing it despite her warnings. As they move forward with their plans for the house, the evil inhabitants come out of hiding. Vixx, a seductive female demon, plots to kill the three, assisted by the ghoul Crep. Vixx transforms herself into each man's perfect woman, enticing them into sex and devising ways to bring about their ruin. Sunnie, meanwhile, invokes the power of prayer to protect them and prepares to go to battle on their behalf. They may be cads, but they are her friends, and she believes friends should not be abandoned to evil without a fight. Although a Publishers Weekly contributor complained that the author creates "a nonsensical plot" that is heavy in "eye-roll-inducing preaching," reviewer Nichole Shaw, writing in the Black Issues Book Review, called Davis's novel "original in its content and very well written." Likewise, Robin Taylor, writing in Romantic Times, called the book "a terrific story that contains humor, spicy sex, and a great spin on the paranormal genre."

For Davis, humor is an integral part of her life and her fiction. Pretty Evil is consequently packed with funny scenes and humorous developments. "We should learn to laugh more and not take ourselves or others too seriously," she stated in her Book Remarks interview. "It's a beautiful thing when you can deal with all that life throws at you, and still find something to laugh about."



Black Issues Book Review, January-February, 2006, Nicole Shaw, review of Pretty Evil, p. 61.

Publishers Weekly, August 15, 2005, review of Pretty Evil, p. 32.


Best Reviews,http://thebestreviews.com/ (April 14, 2006), Harriet Klausner, review of Pretty Evil.

Book Remarks,http://www.book-remarks.com/ (April 14, 2006), interview with Lexi Davis.

Lexi Davis Home Page,http://www.lexidavis.com (April 14, 2006).

Romantic Times,http://www.romantictimes.com/ (April 14, 2006), Robin Taylor, review of Pretty Evil.