Constantinescu, Gheorghe M(ircea) 1932–

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CONSTANTINESCU, Gheorghe M(ircea) 1932–

PERSONAL: Born January 20, 1932, in Bucharest, Romania; naturalized U.S. citizen, 1989; son of Mircea (a surgeon and obstetrician) and Elisabeta Constantinescu; married Elena Sanda, November, 1956 (marriage ended, February, 1970); married Ileana Anghelina (a clinical instructor), March 1, 1979; children: Alexandru Razvan, Adina. Ethnicity: "Romanian." Education: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania, D.V.M., 1955, D.M.V., 1964. Religion: "Orthodox Catholic." Hobbies and other interests: Making drawings (pen and ink, pencil, water color, and oil), sculptures, and photography.

ADDRESSES: Home—5800 Spiva Crossing Rd., Hallsville, MO 65255. Office—College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri, 1600 East Rollins, Columbia, MO 65211-5120; fax: 573-884-6890. E-mail—

CAREER: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania, laboratory chief, 1955; Zootechnical Research Institute, Bucharest, scientific researcher, 1958–59; Zoological Garden, Bucharest, veterinarian, 1959–62; circuit veterinarian in County Panciu, Romania, 1962–63, vice president of county agriculture council and head of breeding section, 1963–65; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara, Romania, associate professor of anatomy and head of department, 1965–82, associate dean, 1976–77; University of Missouri, Columbia, associate professor, 1984–92, professor of veterinary anatomy, 1992–, member of Council on International Initiatives, 2000–. Agronomic Institute, Timisoara, scientific secretary, 1974–76; Romanian College of Veterinary Pathologists, certified by Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, 1995. International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature, member, 1988–; Missouri Cattle Health Clinic and Program, member of faculty operational committee, 1997–.

MEMBER: International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists, World Association of Veterinary Anatomists, European Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, American Association of Veterinary Anatomists, American Association of Anatomists, Association of Medical Illustrators, National Computer Graphics Association, Union of Societies of Medical Sciences in Romania, Society of Veterinary Medicine in Romania, Circle of Neuropathology of the Medical Sciences Academy in Romania, Romanian Veterinary Medical Association (honorary member), Sigma Xi, Phi Zeta (Pi chapter).

AWARDS, HONORS: Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Agricultural Sciences of Banat, 1992, and University of Agronomical Sciences of Bucharest, 1995; grant from National Institutes of Health, 1998–2003; Outstanding Achievement Award, American Association of Veterinary Anatomists, 1999; honorary diploma, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara, Romania, 2002.


The Comparative Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Dissection Guide of Topographic Anatomy, Institutul Agronomic (Timisoara, Romania), 1967, 2nd edition, 1968.

The Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals, Agro-Silvica de Stat (Bucharest, Romania), 1967, 2nd edition, Ceres (Bucharest, Romania), 1980.

The Comparative Anatomy of Domestic Animals, Agro-Silvica de Stat (Bucharest, Romania), 1969.

Textbook of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology, Institutul Agronomic (Timisoara, Romania), 1971.

Textbook of Comparative Anatomy, Institutul Agronomic (Timisoara, Romania), volume one: Osteology, 1971, volume two: Arthro-Myology, 1973, volume three: Neuroendocrine System, 1973, volume four: Splanchnology, 1974.

The Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, Ceres (Bucharest, Romania), 1972.

(with E. Pastea, E. Muresianu, and V. Cotofan) The Comparative and Topographic Anatomy of Domestic Animals, Didactica si Pedagogica (Bucharest, Romania), 1978.

(With C. Radu and R. Palicica) Dissection Guide of Topographic Anatomy, Institutul Agronomic (Timisoara, Romania), 1979.

(With C. Radu and R. Palicica) The Topographic Anatomy of Domestic Mammals, Facla (Timisoara, Romania), 1982.

Clinical Dissection Guide for Large Animals, C. V. Mosby (St. Louis, MO), 1991, 2nd edition (with I. A. Constantinescu) published as Clinical Dissection Guide for Large Animals: Horse and Large Ruminants, 2003.

(With others) Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature, Ferdinand Enke Verlag (Stuttgart, Germany), 1992.

Guide to Regional Ruminant Anatomy Based on the Dissection of the Goat, Iowa State University Press (Ames, IA), 2001.

Clinical Anatomy for Small-Animal Practitioners, Iowa State University Press (Ames, IA), 2002.

(With Despina Tudor) Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria: International and Romanian Terminology (bilingual edition), Editura Vergiliu (Bucharest, Romania), 2002.

Author of scientific books published in Romanian. Contributor to books, including Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery, edited by M. J. Bojrad, 3rd edition, Lea & Febiger (Media, PA), 1990. Contributor to scientific journals in the United States and abroad.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Comparative Reproductive Biology, completion expected in 2005; Clinical Anatomy for Equine Practitioners, 2005.

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Constantinescu, Gheorghe M(ircea) 1932–

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