Cole, Jean Murray 1927-

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COLE, Jean Murray 1927-

PERSONAL: Born November 7, 1927, in Brantford, Ontario, Canada; daughter of Alexander A. (a journalist) and Gwendoline (a journalist; maiden name, Rivers) Murray; married Alfred O. C. Cole, June 15, 1950 (died October 21, 1996); children: Sally Cole Huberman, Leslie Cole Crump, Ian M. C., Alan D. C., Catherine Cole Wood, Emily. Ethnicity: "Mixed—fur trade ancestry." Education: Attended University of Toronto and University of Western Ontario. Religion: Anglican. Hobbies and other interests: Museology.

ADDRESSES: Home and office—2473 Cameron Line, R.R. 3, Indian River, Ontario, Canada K0L 2B0. E-mail—

CAREER: Journalist. Brantford Expositor, Brantford, Ontario, Canada, reporter, 1945-46; London Free Press, London, Ontario, feature writer, 1947-49; Maclean Hunter Publishing Co., feature writer and assistant editor of Canadian Homes and Gardens, 1949-51; freelance writer and editor, 1951—. Parks Canada, member of Trent-Severn Waterway advisory committee; member of Christ Church Community Museum board; executive of Friends of the Bata Library. Hutchison House Museum, past chair of management board; past chair of Peterborough County Public Library Board and Lake Ontario Regional Library Board; past board member of Canadian Canoe Museum, TV Ontario Council, and Lang Pioneer Village.

MEMBER: Ontario Historical Society (first vice president), Peterborough Historical Society (member of board of directors; past chair).

AWARDS, HONORS: Canada Council awards, 1969, 1970; Heritage Canada Communications Award, Local Histories Award from Canadian Historical Association, and Local Histories Award from Ontario Historical Society (with others), all 1976, all for Illustrated Historical Atlas of Peterborough County, 1825-1875; Civic Award of Merit, City of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, 1980; award from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1982; volunteer service awards, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, 1985, 1988, 1996, 2001; Millennium Award for Leadership in the Arts Community, County of Peterborough, 2000.


(Editor, with Alfred O. C. Cole and J. W. Deyman) Illustrated Historical Atlas of Peterborough County, 1825-1875, [Peterborough, Ontario, Canada], 1975.

Exile in the Wilderness: The Biography of HBC Chief Factor Archibald McDonald, 1790-1853, University of Washington Press (Seattle, WA), 1979.

(Editor, with Alfred O. C. Cole) Kawartha Heritage; Proceedings of the Kawartha Conference, 1981, Peterborough Historical Atlas Foundation (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada), 1981.

(Editor) Catharine Parr, The Old Doctor, Hutchinson House Museum (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada), 1985.

(Editor) The Peterborough Hydraulic Lift Lock, [Peterborough, Ontario, Canada], 1987.

The Loon Calls: A History of the Township of Chandos, 1989.

Origins: The History of Dummer Township, 1993.

South Monaghan: The Garden of Eden, 1998.

(Editor) This Blessed Wilderness: Archibald McDonald's Letters from the Columbia, 1822-44, University of British Columbia Press (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), 2001.

Author of booklets on local history topics. Contributor to books, including Nastawgan: The Canadian North by Canoe and Snowshoe, [Toronto, Ontario, Canada], 1985. Contributor to magazines and newspapers, including Canadian Historical Review, Canadian Collector, Canadian Forum, British Columbia Historical News, Idaho Yesterdays, and Journal of Canadian Studies.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Editing the diaries of a World War I nursing sister in Egypt and the diaries of Sandford Fleming; research for museum exhibits.



Oregon Historical Quarterly, winter, 2001, W. A. Sloan, review of This Blessed Wilderness: Archibald McDonald's Letters from the Columbia, 1822-44, p. 534.

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