Coarelli, Filippo 1936-

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COARELLI, Filippo 1936-

PERSONAL: Born 1936, in Rome, Italy.

ADDRESSES: Agent—Riverside Book Company, 250 West 57th St., New York, NY 10107.

CAREER: Writer, editor, and educator. University of Perugia, Italy, professor of Greek and Roman antiquities.


Arte nel mezzogiorno, Editalia (Rome, Italy), 1966.

Loreficeria nellarte classica, Fabbri (Milan, Italy), 1966, published as Greek and Roman Jewellery, translated by D. Strong, Hamlyn (Feltham, England), 1970.

Roma, Mondadori (Milan, Italy), 1971, 4th edition, 2004, English translation published as Rome, foreword by Pier Luigi Nervi, Madison Square Press (New York, NY), 1972.

(Editor) Il sepolcro degli Scipioni, Assessorato per le antichit, belle arti e problemi della cultura (Rome, Italy), 1972.

Tesori delloreficeria, Fratelli Fabbri (Milan, Italy), 1973.

Arena di Verona, Ente autonomo Arena di Verona (Verona, Italy), c. 1973.

(With Luisanna Usai) Guida archeologica di Roma, photographs by Mauro Pucciarelli, A. Mondadori (Milan, Italy), 1974.

(With Francesca Boitani, Maria Cataldi, and Marinella Pasquinucci) Etruscan Cities, Putnam (New York, NY), 1975.

(Editor, with Annabella Rossi and Roberto Schezen) Templi dellItalia antica, photographs by Roberto Scheze, Touring Club Italiano (Milan, Italy), 1980.

(Editor, with Luisa Franchi DellOrto) Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, La pittura antica, Editori Riuniti (Rome, Italy), 1980.

Dintorni di Roma, G. Laterza (Rome, Italy), 1981.

Lazio, G. Laterza (Rome, Italy), 1982.

Il foro romano, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1983.

(With Mario Torelli) Sicilia, G. Laterza (Rome, Italy), 1984.

(With A. La Regina) Abruzzo, Molise, G. Laterza (Rome, Italy), 1984.

Italia centrale, G. Laterza (Rome, Italy), 1985.

(With René Ginouvés, Roland Martin, and others) Dictionnaire méthodique de larchitecture grecque et romaine, pictures by Jean-Pierre Adam and others, Ecole Française d'Athènes (Athens, Greece)/Ecole Française de Rome (Rome, Italy), 1985–1998.

(Editor, with Pier Giorgio Monti) Fregellae, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1986.

Roma repubblicana dal 270 A.C. alletà augustea, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1987.

I santuari del Lazio in età repubblicana, La Nuova Italia Scientifica (Rome, Italy), 1987.

Il sepolcro degli Scipioni a Roma, F.lli Palombi (Rome, Italy), 1988.

Il foro boario: dalle origini alla fine della Repubblica, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1988.

(Editor) Minturnae, NER (Rome, Italy), 1989.

(With Aldo Corcella and Pasquale Rossi) Un angolo di mondo: i luoghi oraziani, Osanna (Venosa, Italy), 1993.

Da Pergamo a Roma: i Galati nella città degli Attalidi, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1995.

(Editor, with Giorgio Bonamente) Assisi e gli umbri nellantichità: atti del convengo internazionale, Assisi, 18-21 dicembre 1991, Societ . . . editrice Minerva (Assisi, Italy), 1996.

(Editor, with Vittorio Casale and Bruno Toscano) Scritti di archeologia e storia dellarte in onore di Carlo Pietrangeli, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1996.

Revixit ars: arte e ideologia a Roma, dai modelli ellenistici alla tradizione repubblicana, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1996.

Il campo Marzio: dalle origini alla fine della repubblica, Quasar (Rome, Italy), 1997.

(With others) Il colosseo, edited by Ada Gabucci, Electa (Milan, Italy), 1999, published as The Colosseum, translated by Mary Becker, J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, CA), 2001.

La colonna traiana, Editore Colombo/Istituto Archeologico Germanico (Rome, Italy), 1999.

Belli e lantico, with Fifty sonnets by Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli, L'Erma di Bretschneider (Rome, Italy), 2000.

(Editor with Corrado Fratini) Archeologia e arte in Umbria e nei suoi musei, Electa (Milan, Italy), 2001.

(Editor and author of text) Pompei: la vita ritrovata, photographs by Alfredo Foglia and Pio Foglia, Magnus (Udine, Italy), 2002, published as Pompeii, translated by Patricia A. Cockram, Riverside Book Co. (New York, NY), 2003.

Via Cavour: una strada della nuova Roma, edited by Giuseppe Cuccia, Palombi (Rome, Italy), 2003.

SIDELIGHTS: Antiquities expert and university professor Filippo Coarelli specializes in the relics and monuments of ancient Roman civilization. His book Pompeii is a compilation including essays on "distinguished Italian archaeologists and professors, the majority of whose work has not previously been available in English," explained Library Journal contributor Nancy J. Mactague. The volume sets out in formidable detail the story of the covering of the archaeological site when the Roman resort city near modern Naples was buried in the famous eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in southern Italy on August 24, 79 C.E. It also covers the rediscovery of the town in 1748, and the slow process of uncovering and placing in context the rich material culture of the Romans that was perfectly preserved by the volcanic ash. "It includes a sketch of the history of excavations, a brief account of what is known of the history of the city in antiquity," Larry Richardson wrote in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review, "and surveys of the public buildings and private houses." In addition, "Coarelli . . . [traces] Pompeii's profound influence on literature, history, art, music, and film," declared Donna Seaman in Booklist, "and [examines] the major role it has played in the evolution of archaeology."



Booklist, April 15, 2003, Donna Seaman, review of Pompeii, p. 1440.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review, March 30, 2003, Larry Richardson, review of Pompeii.

Library Journal, April 1, 2003, Nancy J. Mactague, review of Pompeii, p. 93.

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