Chen, Fan Pen Li 1953-

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Chen, Fan Pen Li 1953-


Born November 23, 1953, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan; citizenship, Canadian; daughter of Ti Mo Li (a physician). Ethnicity: "Chinese." Education: Yale University, B.A. (magna cum laude), 1976; Columbia University, M.A., 1978, M.Phil., 1979, Ph.D., 1984.


Office—Department of East Asian Studies, State University of New York at Albany, Humanities 210, Albany, NY 12222; fax: 518-442-4118. E-mail—;


University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, faculty member, 1989-92; University of Alberta, Edmonton, visiting assistant professor of East Asian studies, 1992-93; State University of New York at Albany, assistant professor of East Asian studies, 1993-95; University of Calgary, visiting research fellow at Calgary Institute of the Humanities, 1995-96, adjunct associate professor of history, 1996-2002; State University of New York at Albany, assistant professor of East Asian studies, 2002—. Private tutor in Chinese, between 1973 and 1979; Chinese interpreter, 1978-2001; guest lecturer at Tsinghua University, 1994, Brown University, 1995, and Lanzhou University, 2004; conference participant. Chinese Oral and Performing Literatures, Inc., member, 1989—, board member, 1996—. Instructor in Chinese cooking, 1981-84; Chinese Community Center of the Capital District, volunteer instructor and chef, and volunteer at food bank, 2002—; Families with Children from Asia, volunteer Chinese cooking instructor, 2003—; public speaker on Chinese culture and Chinese shadow theater.


Association for Asian Performance, Society for T'ang Studies, Association for Asian Theatres, Association for Asian Studies.


Grants from Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, 1993, and Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1996-99.


Visions for the Masses: Chinese Shadow Plays from Shaanxi and Shanxi, Cornell University Press (Ithaca, NY), 2004.

The Chinese Shadow Theatre: History, Popular Religion, and Women Warriors, McGill-Queen's University Press (Kingston, Ontario, Canada), 2007.

Contributor to books, including The Annual Review of Women in World Religions, Volume 2: Heroic Women, edited by Arvind Sharma and Katherine K. Young, State University of New York Press (Albany, NY), 1992; Women in Chinese Literature: Through Chinese Eyes, edited by Yuning Li, University of Indianapolis Press (Indianapolis, IN), 1995; and Gender, Genre, and Religion: Feminist Reflections, edited by Morny Joy and Eva Dargyay, Wilfrid Laurier Press (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), 1995. Contributor of articles, translations, and reviews to periodicals, including Asian Theatre Journal, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, T'ang Studies Journal, Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, and Asian Folklore Studies.

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