Caporaso, James A. 1941-

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Caporaso, James A. 1941-


Born 1941. Education: University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D.


Office—Department of Political Science, University of Washington, 101 Gowen Hall, Box 353530, Seattle, WA 98195-3530. E-mail—


University of Washington, Seattle, professor of political science.


American Political Science Association, International Studies Association.


Functionalism and Regional Integration: A Logical and Empirical Assessment, Sage Publications (Beverly Hills, CA), 1972.

(Editor, with Leslie L. Roos, Jr.) Quasi-Experimental Approaches: Testing Theory and Evaluating Policy, Northwestern University Press (Evanston, IL), 1973.

The Structure and Function of European Integration Goodyear (Pacific Palisades, CA), 1974.

(Editor) A Changing International Division of Labor, L. Rienner (Boulder, CO), 1987.

The Elusive State: International and Comparative Perspectives, Sage Publications (Newbury Park, CA), 1989.

(With David Levine) Theories of Political Economy, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1992.

(Editor) Continuity and Change in the Westphalian Order, Blackwell (Malden, MA), 2000.

The European Union: Dilemmas of Regional Integration, Westview Press (Boulder, CO), 2000.

(Editor, with Maria Green Cowles and Thomas Risse) Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Change, Cornell University Press (Ithaca, NY), 2001.

Contributor to periodicals, including International Studies Quarterly, American Political Science Review, International Organization, and Review of European Integration. Editor, Comparative Political Studies.


James A. Caporaso is a political scientist with a particular interest in modern Europe. His books include The Structure and Function of European Integration, The European Union: Dilemmas of Regional Integration, and Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Change, which he edited with Maria Green Cowles and Thomas Risse. The latter is the result of several years of cooperative work among twelve scholars from Europe and the United States. It is "a significant book that analyzes an increasingly important subject: ‘Euopeanisation,’" wrote Mark Thatcher in West European Politics. Broken into two parts, the book first takes a look at the ways Europeanization has affected domestic policy in various countries. In the second section, six case studies are presented that reveal changes brought about by the unification of Europe. The contributors define Europeanization as the continuing development of the European Union and its government. They analyze the ways in which this process has affected the countries involved in it, and how they have been forced to change in order to adapt to the new model. It raises questions about the relationship between Europeanization and globalization. It "represents the beginning of interesting and important debates and discussions," concluded Thatcher.

In an earlier work, Theories of Political Economy, Caparoso and coauthor David Levine examine and evaluate the way in which political economists link the fields of politics and economics. They help to expand the theory and definition of political economy, naming and discussing eight variations on the subject: the Classical, Marxian, neoclassical, Keynesian, Economic, Power-Centered, State-Centered, and Justice-Centered theories. "The result is a book which is partly an introduction to the field as it currently stands and partly a construction of theories as they implicitly exist. It succeeds admirably in both of these tasks," noted Robert Prasch in the Review of Social Economy. "The book is unusually balanced in its effort to provide each of the theories with the best possible presentation while providing an introduction to the current literature on political economy." The book was also recommended by L.E. Johnson in the Southern Economic Journal. He wrote: "Caporaso and Levine provide an interesting, well written, and provocative survey of alternative conceptions of political economy."



Perspectives on Political Science, spring, 2002, Forest L. Grieves, review of Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Change, p. 117.

Review of Social Economy, summer, 1994, Robert Prasch, review of Theories of Political Economy, p. 124.

Southern Economic Journal, April, 1994, L.E. Johnson, review of Theories of Political Economy, p. 1080.

West European Politics, July, 2002, Mark Thatcher, review of Transforming Europe, p. 215.

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