Buigues, Pierre (A.) 1949-

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BUIGUES, Pierre (A.) 1949-

PERSONAL: Born April 26, 1949, in Perregaux, France; son of Mario and Marie Buigues; divorced; children: Paul, Olivier. Education: University of Paris, engineering degree, 1973, M.Sc. (sociology), 1975; University of Aix-Marseille, M.Sc. (economics), 1977, Ph.D., 1981.

ADDRESSES: Offıce—European Commission, DG Competition, JE 70-21271, 200 rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels, Belgium. E-mail—pierre.buigues@cec.eu.int.

CAREER: Professor of economics at a French university, 1983—. European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, department head.

MEMBER: European Economic Association, Association Française de Sciences Economiques.


Scénarios pour le solaire, Edisud (Aix-en-Provence, France), 1981.

(With Y. Gousty, J. B. Lesourd, and M. Vague) Le management de l'énergie, Dunod (Paris, France), 1982.

Prospective et compétitivité, McGraw-Hill (Paris, France), 1985.

(With Alexis Jacquemin and F. Ilskovitz) Concentration horizontale, fusions et politique de concurrence dans la communauté européenne, Economie Européenne (Brussels, Belgium), 1988.

(With F. Ilskovitz and J-F. Lebrun) L'impact sectoriel du marché intérieur sur l'industrie: Les enjeux pour les états membres, Economics (Paris, France), 1991.

(With A. Sapir) Market Services and EuropeanIntegration: The Challenges for the Nineties, Economie Européenne (Brussels, Belgium), 1994.

(With Alexis Jacquemin and A. Sapir) European Policies of Competition, Trade, and Industry: Conflicts and Complementarities, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 1995.

(With Alexis Jacquemin and J. F. Marchipont) Competitiveness and the Value of Intangible Assets, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 2000.

Contributor to books, including Does Ownership Matter? Japanese Multinationals in Europe, edited by M. Mason, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 1993; Industrial Policy in the European Community: A Necessary Response to Economic Integration, edited by P. Nocolaïdes, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993; Multinational Firms and International Relocation, edited by Peter J. Buckley and J. L. Muchielli, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 1997; The Struggle for World Markets, edited by G. Boyd, Edward Elgar Publishing (Northampton, MA), 1998; and Multilateralism and Regionalism in the Post-Uruguay Round Era, edited by W. Molle, Kluwer, 1999. Contributor to economic journals, including Journal of Common Market Studies, Long Range Planning, and Oxford Review of Economic Policy.

WORK IN PROGRESS: The Economics of Competition Policy in Telecommunication.

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Buigues, Pierre (A.) 1949-

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