Bright, Kevin 1941-

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Bright, Kevin 1941-


Born July 16, 1941, in Dublin, Ireland; son of James Christopher (a civil servant) and Dympna Bright; married Judy Kirkpatrick (a cattle herd registry manager), February 22, 1969. Ethnicity: "Irish." Education: National University of Ireland, B.A., 1964, M.A. (with honors), 1995, Ph.D., 2003.


Home—Ireland. Office—Royal Dublin Society, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland. E-mail—


Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland, member.


(With James White) Treasures of the Royal Dublin Society, Royal Dublin Society (Dublin, Ireland), 1998.

The Royal Dublin Society, 1815-45, Four Courts Press (Portland, OR), 2004.

RDS 275: A Brief History of the Royal Dublin Society 1731-2006, Royal Dublin Society (Dublin, Ireland), 2006.

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