Bracken, Len 1961-

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BRACKEN, Len 1961-

PERSONAL: Born January 5, 1961, in Andrews, MD; son of Tony and Martha (Dobar) Bracken. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: George Washington University, B.A. Politics: "Anarcho-communist." Hobbies and other interests: "Agit-prop."

ADDRESSES: Home—P.O. Box 5585, Arlington, VA 22205. E-mail—

CAREER: Black Planet Books, Baltimore, MD, bookseller, beginning 1996; Bureau of National Affairs, copy editor of Daily Report for Executives, 2000—.

MEMBER: Washington Psychogeography Association.


Freeplay (novel), Backbone, 1990.

The East Is Black (novel), Backbone, 1992.

Secret City (novel), Backbone, 1994.

The Neo-Cataline Conspiracy (nonfiction), Backbone, 1996.

Guy Debord: Revolutionary, Feral House (Portland, OR), 1997.

(Translator) Gianfranco Sanguinetti, The Real Report on the Last Chance to Save Capitalism in Italy, Flatland, 1997.

(Translator) Paul Lafargue, The Right to Be Lazy, Fifth Season Press, 1999.

The Arch Conspirator, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1999.

The Shadow Government: 9-11 and State Terror, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2002.

SIDELIGHTS: Len Bracken once told CA: "I write to develop and clarify my understanding of what it means to be a human in this world of ours and to make it a better place. My influences? My friends and current events top a list that also includes writers as diverse as Picabia and Trifinov. For many years now, my habit has been to rise and write; research and revision wait until later in the day. I was inspired to write about Guy Debord because he set an excellent example of putting his revolutionary theory into practice."

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