Boisseau, Michelle 1955-

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BOISSEAU, Michelle 1955-

PERSONAL: Born October 26, 1955, in Cincinnati, OH; daughter of Fitz Patrick (a newscaster) and June T. (a commercial artist) Boisseau; married Thomas Stroik (a linguist), August 6, 1988; children: Anna. Education: Ohio University, B.A., 1977, M.A., 1980; University of Houston, Ph.D. (English), 1985. Politics: Democrat.

ADDRESSES: Home—605 East 65th St., Kansas City, MO 64131. Office—University of Missouri—Kansas City, 5100 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110. E-mail—

CAREER: Educator and poet. Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, assistant professor of English and creative writing, 1985-87; Morehead State University, Morehead, KY, associate professor of English and creative writing, 1988-95; University of Missouri—Kansas City, associate professor of English and creative writing, 1995—. BkMk Press, editor.

MEMBER: Poetry Society of America, Associated Writing Programs.

AWARDS, HONORS: Cecil Hemley Award, Poetry Society of America, 1988; National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, 1989; Lucille Medwich Award, Poetry Society of America, 1992; Samuel French Morse Prize, Northeastern University Press, 1996, for Understory.


No Private Life (poetry), Vanderbilt University Press (Nashville, TN), 1990.

(With Robert Wallace) Writing Poems (textbook), 4th edition, HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1995, 6th edition, Longman (New York, NY), 2004.

Understory (poetry), Northeastern University Press (Boston, MA), 1996.

Trembling Air: Poems, University of Arkansas Press (Fayetteville, AK), 2003.

Also author of poetry chapbook "Some Will Tell You," White Fields Press. Poems and short stories have been published in periodicals, including Poetry, Gettysburg Review, Yale Review, Southern Review, Ohio Review, Ploughshares, AGNI, Georgia Review, Indiana Review, and others.

WORK IN PROGRESS: A fourth book of poems.

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Boisseau, Michelle 1955-

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