Bo, Zhiyue 1958–
Bo, Zhiyue 1958–
PERSONAL: Born May 11, 1958, in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China; immigrated to the United States, 1990; son of Tingxiang (a doctor of Chinese medicine) and Shaoqing (a doctor of Chinese medicine; maiden name, Zhang) Bo; married Yan Dong (a computer programmer), 1987; children: Lin (son). Ethnicity: "Chinese." Education: Peking University, B.Law, 1985, M.Law, 1989; American University, doctoral study, 1990–91; University of Chicago, Ph.D., 1995.
ADDRESSES: Home—1006 W. Loyola, Apt. 2, Chicago, IL 60626. Office—Department of International Studies, St. John Fisher College, 3690 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14618; fax: 585-385-7311. E-mail—
CAREER: Beijing Nonferrous Metals Corp., Beijing, China, instructor in English, 1985–88; Peking University, Beijing, assistant professor, 1988–90; Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL, instructor, 1993–94, visiting assistant professor, 1995–96; Urban Innovation Analysis, Chicago, research director and postdoctoral fellow, 1996–98; St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY, assistant professor of international studies and department chair, 1998–2003, associate professor and department chair of international studies, 2004–. Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX, Joe and Teresa Long Endowed Chair in Social Science, 2005; Rochester Institute of Technology, research fellow at Center for International Business and Economic Growth, 2003; National University of Singapore, visiting research fellow at East Asian Institute, 2004; St. John Fisher College, trustees' distinguished scholar, 2004. American University, assistant professor and director of World Capitals Program in Beijing, China, 1997–98; University of Chicago, lecturer, 1997–98; guest speaker at other institutions, including Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Chicago, and Tsinghua University; workshop presenter. International business consultant with International Orientation Resources, 1995–, Prudential Relocation Intercultural Services, 1995–, and Bennett and Associates, 1995–98.
MEMBER: American Political Science Association, Association for Asian Studies, Association of Chinese Political Studies (board member, 2002–), Midwest Political Science Association.
(Translator from the English) Morton A. Kaplan, Guojizhengzhi de Xitong he Guocheng (title means "System and Process in International Politics"), Zhongguo Renmin Gongandaxue Chu-banshi (Beijing, China), 1989.
Chinese Provincial Leaders: Economic Performance and Political Mobility since 1949, M.E. Sharpe (Armonk, NY), 2002.
The History of Modern China, Mason Crest Publishers (Philadelphia, PA), 2004.
Contributor to books, including The New Political Culture, edited by Terry Nicholas Clark and Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot, Westview Press (Boulder, CO), 1998; China's Leadership in the Twenty-first Century: The Rise of the Fourth Generation, edited by David M. Finkelstein and Maryanne Kivlehan, M.E. Sharpe (Armonk, NY), 2003; and Holding China Together, edited by Barry Naughton and Dali Yang, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 2004. Contributor to periodicals, including Provincial China, Chinese Social Sciences Review, Asian Profile, and Issues and Studies. Guest editor and translator, Chinese Law and Government, 1999–2002, and Journal of Contemporary China, 2000; member of editorial advisory board, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2003–.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Leaders and Institutions in Chinese Politics: From Mao Zedong to Hu Jintao; Who's Who in China: Provincial Leaders, 1949–2003.
SIDELIGHTS: Zhiyue Bo told CA: "Writing is essential for me because, through writing, I am telling people of different places and different times who I am. My favorite advice to my students in a writing class is: put the best of you into writing. I always remind them of eternal values of writing. In one hundred years, all of us will be gone, but our writings will remain if they are good enough to be published.
"My work has been influenced by leading scholars in the field of China studies such as William Parish, Joseph Fewsmith, Frederick C. Teiwes, David S.G. Goodman, Yasheng Huang, and Cheng Li.
"Writing is an ongoing process. It works 24/7. Starting a rough outline on scratch paper, I try to write as much as I can on a daily basis. Because I am thinking about my writing projects all the time, I often wake up with great ideas.
"I became interested in China studies when I was a doctoral student at the University of Chicago. Other scholars have studied provincial leaders in China, but none of them systematically dealt with the political mobility of China's provincial leaders. In order to fill this intellectual gap, I collected information on all provincial leaders in China since 1949 and applied the most sophisticated statistical models in my analysis. The book Chinese Provincial Leaders: Economic Performance and Political Mobility since 1949 represents the most systematic, most comprehensive, and most sophisticated statistical analysis of these leaders. My research on China's provincial leaders has been widely cited by scholars of China studies from Australia, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, France, Sweden, Germany, and the United States.
"I was born and grew up in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, China. In my early years, China had almost no contact with western countries. I learned Russian as my first foreign language at middle school. In order to take the college entrance examination, I taught myself English at the age of twenty-two and was subsequently admitted into the best university of the country: Beijing University. Upon graduation, I taught English to college students and corporate employees for three years. I began writing in English when I came to the United States in 1990."
Asian Studies Review, March, 2002, David S.G. Goodman, review of Chinese Provincial Leaders: Economic Performance and Political Mobility since 1949, pp. 99-100.
China Perspectives, March-April, 2004, Stephanie Balme, review of Chinese Provincial Leaders, pp. 166-168.
China Review, spring, 2003, Andrew Wedeman, review of Chinese Provincial Leaders, pp. 166-168.
China Review International, fall, 2002, Robert E. Gamer, review of Chinese Provincial Leaders, p. 366.