Beagley, Brenda E. 1962-(Amy Leigh)

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BEAGLEY, Brenda E. 1962-(Amy Leigh)

PERSONAL: Born December 24, 1962, in Janesville, WI; daughter of James M. (a water-color artist) and Phyllis (an office assistant) Smith; married Kevin Beagley (a managing director in public relations), May 16, 1986; children: Thomas, Marin. Ethnicity: "White." Education: Attended University of Missouri, 1981-83; University of Arizona, B.A. (journalism), 1986.

ADDRESSES: Agent—Paige Wheeler, Creative Media Agency, 240 West 35th St., Suite 500, New York, NY 10001. E-mail—

CAREER: Writer.


(As Amy Leigh) Chance of a Lifetime (romance fiction), RFI West, 2001.

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