Armstrong, Kevin D. 1973–

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Armstrong, Kevin D. 1973–

PERSONAL: Born August 15, 1973, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada; son of Paul (a cardiologist) and Beverly (a teacher; maiden name, Dawson) Armstrong. Ethnicity: "Anglo." Education: Queen's University, B.A., 1996, master's certificate, 1998. Religion: "Miscellaneous." Hobbies and other interests: Wind-surfing, music, wine.

ADDRESSES: Home—115 Osland Dr., Edmonton, Alberta T6R 2A2, Canada. Agent—Denise Bukowski, The Bukowski Agency, 14 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto, Ontario M5R 1A9, Canada. E-mail—

CAREER: Writer. First mate on sailing yacht, 1997–98, 2000–01.

AWARDS, HONORS: Western Magazine Award, Western Magazine Association, 2001, and Journey Prize, Canadian Writer's Trust/McClelland and Stewart, 2001, both for "The Cane Field."


Night Watch (short stories), Penguin Putnam (New York, NY), 2002.

WORK IN PROGRESS: A novel set in Micronesia.

SIDELIGHTS: Kevin D. Armstrong told CA: "My primary motivations for writing? Giving characters the freedom to act—for better or worse—without my own moral or fearful constraints, and hoping their experience teaches me something. Travel inspires through paradox: each individual and culture is unique, yet I find a universality of human struggle and desire. Story crystallizes this axiom, and, among other things, facilitates further communication. My chosen subjects stem from experiences I have witnessed/heard about that open the door to character and the narrative each one subsequently chooses. Usually, I start with some vague objective in mind: getting there provides the challenges and the excitement, because this objective often changes the nearer to the end I get."



Booklist, July, 2003, Carrie Bissey, review of Night Watch, p. 1862.

Kirkus Reviews, June 15, 2003, review of Night Watch, p. 817.

Publishers Weekly, July 28, 2003, review of Night Watch, p. 78.

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