Alcorn, Randy 1954–

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Alcorn, Randy 1954–

(Randy C. Alcorn)


Born June 23, 1954, in Portland, OR; son of Arthur (a tavern owner) and Lucille (a homemaker) Alcorn; married May 31, 1975; wife's name Nanci (a homemaker); children: Karina, Angela. Ethnicity: "Caucasian." Education: Multnomah Bible College, Th. B., 1976, M.A., 1979; attended Western Seminary, 1976-77. Religion: Evangelical. Hobbies and other interests: Reading, international travel, tennis, snorkeling.


Office—39085 Pioneer Blvd., Ste. 200, Sandy, OR 97055. E-mail—


Good Shepherd Community Church, Boring, OR, pastor, 1977-90; Eternal Perspective Ministries, Gresham, OR, founder and director, 1991—.


Christians in the Wake of the Sexual Revolution, Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 1985, published as Restoring Sexual Sanity, Coral Ridge Ministries (Fort Lauderdale, FL), 2000.

(With wife, Nanci Alcorn) Women under Stress: Preserving Your Sanity, Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 1987.

Money, Possessions, and Eternity, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 1989, revised edition, 2003.

Sexual Temptation, InterVarsity Press (Downers Grove, IL), 1989.

Is Rescuing Right? Breaking the Law to Save the Unborn, InterVarsity Press (Downers Grove, IL), 1990.

ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 1994.

Deadline (novel), Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 1994.

Dominion (novel), Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 1996.

Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?, privately printed, 1997.

Edge of Eternity (novel), WaterBrook (Colorado Springs, CO), 1998.

In Light of Eternity: Perspectives on Heaven, WaterBrook (Colorado Springs, CO), 1999.

Lord Foulgrin's Letters: How to Strike Back at the Tyrant by Deceiving and Destroying His Human Vermin (novel), Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 2001, revised edition, 2001.

Safely Home (novel), Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 2001.

(With daughters, Angela Alcorn and Karina Alcorn) The Ishbane Conspiracy (novel), Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 2001.

The Treasure Principle, Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 2001.

The Purity Principle, Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 2003.

The Grace and Truth Paradox, Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 2003.

The Law of Rewards, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 2003.

Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions, Tyndale House (Wheaton, IL), 2004.

Why Prolife?, Multnomah (Sisters, OR), 2004.

Heaven, Tyndale House (Carol Stream, IL), 2004.

(With Linda Washington) Heaven for Kids, Tyndale House (Carol Springs, IL), 2006.

50 Days of Heaven: Reflections that Bring Eternity to Light, Tyndale House (Carol Stream, IL), 2006.

Wait until Then, Tyndale House (Carol Springs, IL), 2007.

Deception (novel), Multnomah (Colorado Springs, CO), 2007.

Tell Me about Heaven (juvenile), illustrated by Ron DiCianni, Crossway Books (Wheaton, IL), 2007.


Randy Alcorn once told CA: "I have no illusions that I can accomplish anything of value apart from Christ. My desire is to be used of God to help people learn to see the invisible, to gain an eternal perspective, and to live each day with heaven in mind.

"Books I've been greatly influenced by: C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, Screwtape Letters, and Mere Christianity; A.W. Tozer's Knowledge of the Holy; Francis Schaeffer's He Is There and He Is Not Silent; John Piper's Desiring God."



Booklist, December 15, 1994, John Mort, review of Deadline, p. 737.

Library Journal, November 1, 1994, Henry Carrigan, Jr., review of Deadline, p. 64; June 1, 2000, Melanie C. Duncan, review of Lord Foulgrin's Letters: How to Strike Back at the Tyrant by Deceiving and Destroying His Human Vermin, p. 104.

Publishers Weekly, July 12, 1985, William Griffin, review of Christians in the Wake of a Sexual Revolution, p. 35.


Eternal Perception Ministries, (April 7, 2007).

[Sketch reviewed by ministry assistant, Linda Jeffries.]

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