Adler, Patricia A. 1951- (Patti Adler)

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Adler, Patricia A. 1951- (Patti Adler)


Born September 3, 1951, in New York, NY; daughter of Ben and Pat (a family therapist) Heller; married Peter Adler (a sociologist), August 20, 1972; children: Jori, Brye. Ethnicity: "White." Education: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, B.A., 1973; University of Chicago, M.A. (social science), 1974; University of California, San Diego, M.A. (sociology), 1975, Ph.D., 1984.


Home—Boulder, CO. Office—Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309; fax: 303-492-8878. E-mail—


Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, OK, instructor, 1981-84; University of Tulsa, Tulsa, visiting assistant professor, 1984-85; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, assistant professor, 1985-86; Washington University, St. Louis, MO, visiting assistant professor, 1986-87; University of Colorado, Boulder, assistant professor, 1987-93, associate professor, 1993-99, professor of sociology, 1999—. University of Hawaii at Manoa, visiting associate professor, 1996-99, adjunct professor, 1999—; University of Odense, Distinguished Lego Lecturer, 1996; conference participant and organizer.


North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, American Sociological Association (chair of sociology of alcohol and drugs section, 1993-94, and emotions section, 2005-06), American Society of Criminology, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Sociologists for Women in Society, Midwest Sociological Society (member-at-large of board of directors, 1993-95; copresident, 2005-07), Pacific Sociological Association, Southern Sociological Society, Hawaii Sociological Association.


Outstanding book award, North Central Sociological Association, 2005, for Paradise Laborers: Hotel Work in the Global Economy.


(With Jack D. Douglas, Andrea Fontana, C. Robert Freeman, and others) Introduction to the Sociologies of Everyday Life, Allyn & Bacon (Boston, MA), 1980.

(Editor, with husband Peter Adler, and contributor) The Social Dynamics of Financial Markets, JAI Press (Greenwich, CT), 1984.

Wheeling and Dealing: An Ethnography of an Upper-Level Drug Dealing and Smuggling Community, Columbia University Press (New York, NY), 1985, 2nd edition, 1993.

(With Peter Adler) Membership Roles in Field Research, Sage Publications (Newbury Park, CA), 1987.

(With Peter Adler) Backboards & Blackboards: College Athletes and Role Engulfment, Columbia University Press (New York, NY), 1991.

(Editor, with Peter Adler, and contributor) Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction, Wadsworth Publishing (Belmont, CA), 1994, 6th edition (sole author, under name Patti Adler) published as Constructions of Deviance Custom, Thomson Custom Solutions (Mason, OH), 2007.

(With Peter Adler) Peer Power: Preadolescent Culture and Identity, Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick, NJ), 1998.

(Editor, with Peter Adler and H. Jay Corzine, and contributor) Encyclopedida of Criminology and Deviant Behavior, Volume 1, Taylor & Francis (Philadelphia, PA), 2001.

(Editor, with Peter Adler, and contributor) Sociological Odyssey: Contemporary Readings in Sociology, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning (Belmont, CA), 2001, 2nd edition, 2007.

(With Peter Adler) Paradise Laborers: Hotel Work in the Global Economy, ILR Press (Ithaca, NY), 2004.

Contributor to books, including Crime at the Top, edited by John M. Johnson and Jack D. Douglas, J.B. Lippincott (Philadelphia, PA), 1978; Researching Sensitive Topics, edited by Claire M. Renzetti and Raymond M. Lee, Sage Publications (Newbury Park, CA), 1993; Doing Everyday Life: Ethnography as Human Lived Experience, edited by Mary Lou Dietz, Robert Prus, and William Shaffir, Copp Clark Longman (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada), 1994; Ethnography at the Edge: Crime, Deviance, and Field Research, edited by Jeff Ferrell and Mark S. Hamm, Northeastern University Press (Boston, MA), 1998; and Self, Society, and Social Interaction, edited by Jaber Gubrium and James Holstein, Oxford University Press (Oxford, England), 2002. Contributor of articles and reviews to professional journals, including American Sociologist, American Behavioral Scientist, Journal of Sports Tourism, Teaching Sociology, and Social Science Journal. Symbolic Interaction, review editor, 1982—, associate editor, 2006—; Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, editor, 1986-95, associate editor, 1995—; founding coeditor, Sociological Studies of Child Development: A Research Annual, 1986-92; associate editor, Social Problems, 1984-86, Qualitative Sociology, 1985-87, Marketplace Exchange, 1985-2000, Sociology of Emotions Newsletter, 1987-89, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1989-95, Visual Sociology, 1991-2001, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 1992-2004, Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 1992—, Youth and Society, 1992—, Deviant Behavior, 1993-99, 2007—, Social Psychology Quarterly, 1996-99, Sociological Quarterly, 2000-06, Contexts, 2004-07, and Qualitative Sociology Review, 2005—; contributing editor, Childnews, 1998—; coeditor of special issue, Urban Life, 1986.



University of Colorado Web site: Patricia A. Adler Home Page, (June 22, 2007).

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