Accattoli, Luigi

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ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, Abrams Books, 100 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011.

CAREER: Writer. Corriere della sera (newspaper), Italy, Vatican correspondent, c. 1988—.


(With others) Da Paolo VI a Giovanni Paolo II, M. Boni (Bologna, Italy), 1979.

(With others) La chiesa galassia e l'ultimo Cocordato, Rusconi (Milan, Italy), 1987.

(With Domenico del Rio) Wojtyla: il nuovo Mosè, Mondadori (Milan, Italy), 1988.

Quando il Papa chiede perdono, 1997, translated by Jordan Aumann published as When a Pope Asks Forgiveness: The Mea Culpas of John Paul II, Pauline Books and Media (Boston, MA), 1998.

Karol Wojtyla: l'uomo di fine millenio, 1998, translation by Jordan Aumann published as Man of the Millennium: John Paul II, Pauline Books and Media (Boston, MA), 2000.

Life in the Vatican with John Paul II, photographs by Grzegorz Galezka, Universe (New York, NY), 1999.

(With others) John Paul II: A Pope for the People, translated by Russell Stockman, Harry N. Abrams (New York, NY), 2004.

SIDELIGHTS: Vatican correspondent Luigi Accattoli has written a number of volumes, particularly about the pontificate of Pope John Paul II, the Polish pope born Karol Wojtyla. In When a Pope Asks Forgiveness: The Mea Culpas of John Paul II, Accattoli studies the nearly one hundred instances in which this pope admitted to church culpability on topics ranging from the Inquisition, to the treatment of women and asked for forgiveness on its behalf. Life in the Vatican with John Paul II contains Accattoli's observations on the activities of the pontiff and how he melds the traditions of the church with the demands of contemporary life. The book contains 150 color photographs of many places within Vatican City, some of which, like the pope's private residence, pharmacy, and market, are never seen by visitors. Others include gardens, museums, and the post office. Booklist reviewer Margaret Flanagan found the volume to be "a fascinating inner glimpse into both the public and the private sectors of the Vatican." Accattoli is one of five contributors to John Paul II: A Pope for the People. His contribution is again the subject of the pope's mea culpa statements during his papacy.



Booklist, January 1-15, 1999, Margaret Flanagan, review of Life in the Vatican with John Paul II, p. 798; April 15, 2004, Margaret Flanagan, review of John Paul II: A Pope for the People, p. 1406.

Library Journal, February 15, 1999, Anna M. Donnelly, review of Life in the Vatican with John Paul II, p. 156; April 15, 2004, John-Leonard Berg, review of John Paul II, p. 90.

Publishers Weekly, March 29, 2004, Jana Riess, review of John Paul II: A Pope for the People, p. 58.*

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