Weir, Dame Gillian

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Weir, Dame Gillian

Weir, Dame Gillian (Constance) , outstanding New Zealand organist and harpsichordist; b. Martinborough, Jan. 17, 1941. She studied with Ralph Downes at the Royal Coll. of Music in London (1962-65), then pursued private training with Anton Heiller, Marie-Claire Alain, and Boulanger (1965-66). She won the St. Albans International Organ Competition in 1964. In 1965 she made her debut at London’s Royal Festival Hall, and subsequently appeared throughout the world as a recitalist on both the organ and the harpsichord. In 1982 she was featured in the television film Toccata: Two Weeks in the Life of Gillian Weir. In 1984 she gave a recital at N.Y’s Alice Tully Hall on an organ designed by her husband. She served as president of the Incorporated Assn. of Organists (1982-83) and of the Incorporated Soc. of Musicians (1992-93). In 1989 she was made a Commander, and in 1996 a Dame Commander, of the Order of the British Empire. Weir maintains a catholic repertory, ranging from early music to contemporary scores. She has given premiere performances of many works written for her, including William Mathias’s Organ Concerto (London, Sept. 12, 1984).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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