Ujfalussy, József

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Ujfalussy, József

Ujfalussy, József, eminent Hungarian musicologist; b. Debrecen, Feb. 13, 1920. He received training in piano and composition at the Debrecen Music School, and in the classics at the Univ. of Debrecen (Ph.D., 1944, with a diss. on Homer’s epics); then studied composition with Veress, conducting with Ferencsik, musicol-ogy with Szabolcsi and Bartha, and folk music with Kodály at the Budapest Academy of Music (1946-49). He became a member (1948) and served as head of the music dept. (1951-55) of the Ministry of Culture; then was prof, of aesthetics and theory at the Budapest Academy of Music (from 1955). In 1961 he became associated with the Bartók Archives (the Inst. of Musi-cology from 1969) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; in 1973 he was made a corresponding member of the latter, where he was president of the musicological commission and director of the Inst. of Musicology (from 1973). In 1961 he received the Erkel Prize and in 1966 the Kossuth Prize.


Ed. Bartók-breviárium (Bartók Breviary; Budapest, 1958; 2nded., rev, 1974; letters, writings, and documents); Achille-Claude Debussy (Budapest, 1959); A valóság zenei képe (The Musical Image of Reality; Budapest, 1962); Bartók Béla (Budapest, 1965; 2nded., enl., 1970; Eng. tr., 1971); Az esztétika alapjai és a zene (The Bases of Aesthetics and Music; Budapest, 1968); Farkas Ferenc (Budapest, 1969); ed. A Liszt Ferenc zen-emüveszeti föiskola 100 eve (100 Years of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music; Budapest, 1977).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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