Szweykowski, Zygmunt M(arian)

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Szweykowski, Zygmunt M(arian)

Szweykowski, Zygmunt M(arian), eminent Polish musicologist; b. Krakow, May 12, 1929. He was a pupil of Chybiński at the Univ. of Poznan (graduated, 1951) and of Chominski at the Univ. of Krakow (Ph.D., 1964, with the diss. Technika koncertujaca w polskiej muzyce wokalnmo-instrumentalnej okresu baroku[Concerto Technique in Polish Vocal-Instrumental Music of the Baroque]; Eng. tr. in Studia Hieronymo Feicht septuagenario dedicata, Kraków, 1967, and in Polish Musicological Studies, I, 1977); completed his Habilitation at the latter in 1976 with his Musica moderna w ujeciu Marka Scac-chiego (Musica Moderna as Conceived by Marco Scacchi; publ. in Kraków, 1977, with Eng. summary). After serving as Chybiński’s assistant at the Univ. of Poznań (1950-53), he went to Kraków as ed. of Polskie Wy-dawnictwo Muzyczne (1954-61); also taught at the Univ. (from 1954), becoming head of its musicological dept. (1971-74; from 1979); was made a prof, in 1988. Szweykowski is a respected scholar of the Baroque era in Polish music history. He founded Żróda do Historii Muzyki Polskiej in 1960 and ed. various works in Wydawnictwo Dawnej Muzyki Polskiej; also contributed valuable articles to Polish and foreign journals and other publications.


Kultum wokalna XVI-wiecznej Polski (The Vocal Culture of XVI-century Poland; Krakow, 1957); ed. Z dziejów polskiej kultury muzyczne] (From the History of Polish Musical Culture; Krakow, 1958); Katalog tematyczny rekopismiennych zabytków dawnej muzyki w Polsce (Thematic Catalog of Early Music Manuscripts in Poland; Krakow, 1969).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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