Monk, William Henry

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Monk, William Henry

Monk, William Henry, English organist, choirmaster, music editor, and composer; b. London, March 16, 1823; d. there, March 1, 1889. He was a pupil of T. Adams, J.A. Hamilton, and G.A. Griesbach, and served as organist in various London churches. He taught music at King’s Coll. in London, the School for the Indigent Blind, the National Training School, etc. He ed. for the Church of Scotland The Book of Psalms in Metre, Scottish Hymnal, The Psalter, and Book of Anthems. He was the music ed. of Hymns, Ancient and Modern (1861), for which he composed the tune for the beloved hymn Abide with me. He also composed many other popular hymn tunes, as well as anthems and service music, and likewise ed. collections of hymns and Psalms.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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