La Fage, (Juste-) Adrien (-Lenoir) de

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La Fage, (Juste-) Adrien (-Lenoir) de

La Fage, (Juste-) Adrien (-Lenoir) de, French writer on music and composer; b. Paris, March 28, 1801; d. Charenton, March 8, 1862. He studied in Paris with Perne and Choron, and in Rome with Baini. Returning to Paris, he devoted himself to scholarly analysis of music theory. He ended his life at the Charenton Insane Asylum. He was a prolific composer of sacred music, and also produced much chamber music.


Manuel complet de musique vocale et instrumentale (6 vols., 1836-38; elaborated from Choron’s sketches and notes); Séméiologie musicale (1837; an epitome was also publ. in 1837 as Principes élémentaires de musique); De la chanson considérée sous le rapport musical (1840); Histoire générale de la musique et dela danse (2 vols., 1844; incomplete); De l’unité tonique et de la fixation d’un diapason universel (1859); Essais de diphthérographie musicale (1864); many works on plainsong: De la réproduction des livres de plain-chant romain (1853); Cours complet de plain-chant (2 vols., 1855-56); Nouveau traité de plain-chant (1859; suppl. to the former); Routine pour accompagner le plain-chant; etc.


R. Denne-Baron, A. d.L.F. (Paris, 1863).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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