Krieger, Johann

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Krieger, Johann

Krieger, Johann, distinguished German organist and composer, brother of Johann Philipp Krieger; b. Nuremberg, Dec. 28, 1651; d. Zittau, July 18, 1735. He received keyboard training from G.C. Wecker (1661–68) and then studied composition with his brother in Zeitz (1671), becoming his successor as court organist at Bayreuth (1673–77). He was subsequently Kapellmeister to Count Heinrich I in Greiz (1678–80), then held that post at the court of Duke Christian in Eisenberg (1680–82). He then went to Zittau, where he was active as organist of St. Johannis and director choris musici, a position he held for 53 years, playing for the last time on the day before he died. His music was appreciated by Handel. Some of his organ compositions are regarded as presaging the grand style of Bach.


instrumental:6 musicalische Partien(Nuremberg, 1697); Anmuthige Clavier-Ubung (Nuremberg, 1698); Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, a 4; other pieces in MS. arias and lieder:Neue musicalische Ergetzligkeit, das ist Unterschiedene Erfindungen welche Herr Christian Weise, in Zittau von geistlichen Andachten, Politischen Tugend-Liedern und Theatralischen Sachen bishero gesetzet hat (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1684); 19 occasional songs for weddings or funerals (publ. separately, 1684-97). Of some 235 known sacred vocal works, only 33 are extant: 12 German cantatas, 2 Latin cantatas, 5 settings of the Sanctus, 2 settings of the Magnificat, motets, and solo and choral concertos. He also wrote 10 operas, but only a few arias are extant. Some of his works are found in the following: M. Seiffert, ed., Nuremberger Meister der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts, Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern, X, Jg. VI/I (1906), idem, ed., /. Krieger: Gesammelte Werke für Klavier und Orgel, ibid., XXX, Jg. XVIII (1917), and F. Riedel, ed., Johann Krieger: Präludiem und Fugen, Die Orgel, II/3 (Leipzig, 1957).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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