Jørgensen, Erik

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Jørgensen, Erik

Jørgensen, Erik, Danish composer and teacher; b. Copenhagen, May 10, 1912. He received lessons in theory from Jeppesen, in organ from Rung-Keller, and in piano from Anders Rachlew. Following training in composition with Høffding at the Copenhagen Cons. (from 1931), he took a course in conducting with Scherchen in Geneva (1936). From 1947 to 1982 he taught at the Copenhagen Inst. for the Blind. In his music, Jørgensen developed a personal style that utilized 12-tone procedures and aleatory.


dramatic:Skyggen afen ørem (Shadow of a Dream), chamber opera (1969); Eventyret (Fairytale), madrigal comedy (1973–74). ORCH.: Concerto grosso for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, and Strings (1933–34); Concerto for Violin, Strings, and Piano (1935); Modello per archi for Strings (1957); Notturno for 24 Solo Instruments (1965–66); Confrontations (1967–68); A Piece of Life, sym. (1981); Dialogue for Oboe, Horn, and Small Orch. (1984). CHAMBER: Introduction and Theme with Variations for Flute, Violin, Cello, and Piano (1937); Concertino for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1937); Rhapsody for Violin and Piano (1939–40); Sonatine for Clarinet and Bassoon (1942); Figue in Tempo for Cello and Percussion (1960–61); Quintet for 2 Pianos, 2 Percussionists, and Double Bass (1962); Astrolabium for 11 Instruments (1964); Piece for String Quartet (1964–65); Improvisations for Wind Quintet (1971); Stemninger og tilstande for Flute, Violin, Cello, and Horn (1973); Recorder Quartet (1975); Percussion Quintet (1982); Symbiose for Violin and Cello (1987); Dobbeltspil for Double Bass and Piano (1988); Music for Harp (1988); Concerto for Percussion Trio (1990); Pastorale for Oboe d’Amore and Chamber Ensemble (1990). VOCAL: Tre vekselsange for Soprano, Tenor, and Chamber Orch. (1934); Havet for Chorus (1936); Modello 2 for Soli, Chorus, and Ensemble (1963); Fragmenter af Hojsangen for Soprano and 7 Instruments (1978); Ode to a Grecian Urn for Chorus (1979–80); 3 Gurresange for Chorus (1990); other choral pieces and solo songs.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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