Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich

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Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich

Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich, German composer and pianist; b. Treuenbrietzen, Nov. 20, 1765; d. Berlin, June 8, 1814. He began his musical training with Klaus, the local organist, then, following theological studies at the Univ. of Halle (1785–86), he studied with Naumann in Dresden. In 1792 he was made chamber composer to the Prussian court in Berlin, which position made it possible for him to complete his musical training in Italy (1793–95). In 1795 he returned to the Prussian court as Kapellmeister, but he also made tours as a concert artist. In spite of his bouts with alcohol, he remained a favorite at the Prussian court. His most successful score was the Singspiel Fanchon das Leiermädchen (Berlin, May 15, 1804).


dramatic: Opera: La morte di Semira-mide (Naples, Jan. 12, 1795); Alessandro (St. Petersburg, Jan. 1799); Vasco da Gama (Berlin, Jan. 12, 1801); Frohsinn und Schwärmerei (Berlin, March 9, 1801); Fanchon das Leiermädchen (Berlin, May 15, 1804); Die Sylphen (Berlin, April 14, 1806); Der Kobold (Vienna, May 22, 1813). oratorio:Isacco figura del redentore (Berlin, March 14, 1792). vocal: cantata:ilprimo navigatore (Venice, March 1, 1794). other vocal: Songs. OTHER: Piano Concerto; chamber music; piano pieces.


L. Odendahl, F.H. H.: Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Berliner Oper um die Wende des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts (diss., Univ. of Bonn, 1914).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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