partition treaties

views updated Jun 08 2018

partition treaties, 1698, 1700. The imminent death of Carlos II of Spain, without children, so soon after the end of the Nine Years War persuaded European powers to try to settle the Spanish Succession without bloodshed. By the first treaty, signed in October 1698 by Louis XIV and William III, the Spanish inheritance was to go to Joseph Ferdinand, electoral prince of Bavaria, with compensation to the dauphin of Naples and Sicily and to the Archduke Charles of Milan and Luxembourg. The prince of Bavaria died within a few weeks. By a second treaty in 1700, the Archduke Charles was to take the lion's share, with France receiving Naples, Sicily, and Milan, to be exchanged for Lorraine. But when Carlos II died in October 1700, leaving by will Philip of Anjou, Louis's grandson, as sole heir, Louis abandoned his treaty obligations and accepted. The War of the Spanish Succession followed.

J. A. Cannon

Hérold, (Louis Joseph) Ferdinand

views updated May 29 2018

Hérold, (Louis Joseph) Ferdinand (b Paris, 1791; d Les Ternes, Paris, 1833). Fr. composer. Grand Prix de Rome 1812. First opera prod. Naples 1815. Returned to Paris 1815, composing 12 operas and several ballets in 14 years. Gained biggest success with Zampa (1831) followed by Le Pré aux Clercs (1832). Among his ballets were La Fille Mal Gardée (1828) and La Belle au Bois dormant (1829). Also comp. 2 syms., 3 str. qts., 4 pf. concs., and pf. pieces.

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