Harris, Sir Augustus (Henry Glossop)

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Harris, Sir Augustus (Henry Glossop)

Harris, Sir Augustus (Henry Glossop), celebrated English operatic impresario; b. Paris, 1852; d. Folkestone, June 22, 1896. He was an asst. manager to Mapleson before becoming a prominent figure in London operatic circles. In 1879 he became lessee of the Drury Lane Theatre. In 1883 he brought the Carl Rosa Opera Co. to London and managed its seasons until 1887. In 1887-88 he oversaw his own Italian opera season before becoming manager of Covent Garden in 1888. He presented brilliant seasons of opera at Covent Garden, whose audiences were exposed to operas in the original language. Among the famous artists he engaged were Melba, the de Reszkes, Maurel, and Mahler. He did much to promote the cause of Wagner’s music. In 1891 he was knighted.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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