Gu¨lke, Peter

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Gülke, Peter

Gülke, Peter, German conductor and musicologist; b. Weimar, April 29, 1934. He was educated at the Franz Liszt Hochschule für Musik in Weimar, the Friedrich Schiller Univ. in Jena, and the Karl Marx Univ. in Leipzig (Ph.D., 1958, with the diss. Liedprinzip und Polyphonic in der burgundischen Chanson des 15. Jahrhundert), where he taught (1957-59). In 1959 he made his conducting debut in Rudolstadt, and then was music director of the theaters in Stendal (1964-65), Potsdam (1966-69), and Stralsund (1972-76). After conducting at the Dresden State Opera (1976-81), he was Generalmusikdirektor of the Mannheim National Theater (1981-83). In 1984 he became a lecturer in musicology at the Tech. Univ. in Berlin. He was Generalmusikdirektor in Wuppertal from 1986. In 1978 he brought out a performing edition of Schubert’s Sym. in D major, D.936a, a work sometimes listed as that composer’s Sym. No. 10. With D. Gülke, he ed. Jean Jacques Rousseau: Ausgewahalte Schriften zur Musik (Leipzig, 1981). He also publ. Brahms—Bruckner: Zwei Studien (Kassel, 1989), Franz Schubert und seine zeit (Laaber, 1991), Fluchtpunkt Musik: Reflexionen eines Dirigenten zwischen Ost und West (Kassel and Stuttgart, 1994), Ira Zyklus eine Welt: Mozarts letzte Sinfonien (Munich, 1997), and “Triumph der neuen Tonkunst:” Mozarts späte Sinfonien und ihr Umfeld (Kassel, 1998).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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