Garland for the Queen, A

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Garland for the Queen, A. Collection of songs for unacc. mixed ch. by 10 Brit. composers to texts by 10 contemporary Brit. poets written to celebrate coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 (in emulation of The Triumphs of Oriana in Elizabeth I's reign). Works and composers (with poets' names in parentheses) were: Aubade for Coronation Morning, Bliss ( Henry Reed); What is it Like to be Young and Fair?, Bax (C. Bax); Dance, Clarion Air, Tippett (Fry); Silence and Music, Vaughan Williams (Ursula Wood); Spring at this Hour, Berkeley (P. Dehn); The Hills, Ireland (J. Kirkup); Inheritance, Howells (De La Mare); White Flowering Days, Finzi (Blunden); Canzonet, Rawsthorne (MacNeice); and Salutation, Rubbra (Hassall). F.p. London, 1 June 1953.

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