Chomiñski, JÓzef Michal

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Chomiñski, JÓzef Michal

Chomiñski, JÓzef Michal, eminent Polish musicologist; b. Ostrów, near Przemysl, Aug. 24, 1906. He took courses in musicology with Chybiñski and in ethnography with Adam Fischer at the Univ. of Lwów (1926–31; M.A., 1931; Ph.D., 1936), then completed his Habilitation in 1949 at the Univ. of Poznan. He taught at the Poznań music school (1945–48) and the Univ. of Warsaw (1947–76), and also served as chairman of the music division in the art inst. of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1951–68). He ed. Muzyka (1956–71) and the Monumenta Musicae in Polonia series (1964–71).


Preludia Chopina (Krakow, 1950); ed. with Z. Lissa, Muzyka polskiego Odrodzenia (Music of the Polish Renaissance; Warsaw, 1953; 4th éd., 1958); ed. with K. Wilkowska-Chominska, Formy muzyczne (Kraków; vol. I, Maleformy instru-mentalne[Small Instrumental Forms], 1954; 2nd ed., aug., 1983; vol. II, Wielkie formy instrumentalne[Large Instrumental Forms], 1956; vol. Ill, Piesn[Song], 1974; vol. IV, Opera i drama[Opera and Drama], 1976; vol. V, Wielkie formy wokalne[Large Vocal Forms], 1984); ed. with Z. Lissa, Kultura muzyczna Polski ludowej 1944-1955 (Musical Culture of the People’s Republic of Poland 1944-1955; Kraków, 1957); ed., Historia muzyki powszechnij (A General History of Music; Kraków, 1957-64); Historia harmonii i kontrapunktu (3 vols., Kraków, 1958, 1962,1988); Sonaty Chopina (Krakow, 1960); éd., Z zycia i twórczosci Karola Szymanowskiego (Life and Works of Karol Szymanowski; Kraków, 1960); éd., Slownik muzyków polskich (A Dictionary of Polish Music; Kraków, 1964-67); Muzyka Polski ludowej (Music in the People’s Republic of Poland; Warsaw, 1968); Studia nad twórczoscia Karola Szymanowskiego (Krakow, 1969); Chopin (Krakow, 1978); with T. Turo, Katalog dziel Fryderyka Chopina: A Catalog of the Works of Frederick Chopin (Kraków, 1990).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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