Brunelli, Antonio

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Brunelli, Antonio

Brunelli, Antonio, Italian music theorist and composer; b. Pisa, c. 1575; d. there, c. 1630. He was a pupil of G.M. Nanini. He served as an organist at S. Miniato in Tuscany from 1604 to 1607, then went to Prato, where he served as maestro di cappella at the Cathedral. On April 12, 1612, he was appointed maestro di cappella of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Between 1605 and 1621 he publ, motets, canzonette, Psalms, madrigals, Requiems, and others sacred works, some of which were included in Donfried’s Promptuarium musicum (1623). He publ, the theoretical treatises Regole utilissime per li scolari che desiderano imparare a cantare (Florence, 1606; one of the first publ, methods for voice), Esercizi ad 1 e 2 voci (Florence, 1607), and Regole et dichiarazioni de alcuni contrappunti doppii (Florence, 1610).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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