Zimmerman, Shirley Lee

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ZIMMERMAN, Shirley Lee

ZIMMERMAN, Shirley Lee. American, b. 1925. Genres: Social sciences, Politics/Government. Career: Hennepin County Welfare Department, caseworker in AFDC Program, 1947-49; Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, consultant for the child welfare division to statewide organizations, 1967-69; Health and Welfare Planning Council, St. Paul, MN, social planner, 1969; Interstudy, social welfare researcher, 1970-73; University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, lecturer, 1970-72, assistant to the director of continuing education in social work and lecturer, 1970-77, instructor, 1972-77, assistant director of continuing education in social work, 1977-84, assistant professor, 1982-83, associate professor, 1983-88, professor, 1988- 2000, professor emeritus of family social science, 2000-. Publications: Understanding Family Policy: Theoretical Approaches, 1988; Family Policies and Family Well-Being: The Role of Political Culture, 1992; Family Policy: Theories and Applications, 1995; Family Policy: Constructed Solutions to Family Problems, 2001. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles and reviews to journals in the social sciences and to newspapers. Address: Family Social Science, University of Minnesota, 290 McNeal Hall, 1985 Buford, St. Paul, MN 55108, U.S.A. Online address: szimmer@che.umn.edu

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