Zephir, Flore

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ZEPHIR, Flore. American (born Haiti), b. 1958. Genres: Sociology. Career: Indiana University-Bloomington, associate instructor in French, 1982-86, lecturer at Creole Institute, summers, 198283; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, instructor in French, 1986-88; University of Missouri- Columbia, assistant professor of French language and linguistics, 1988-90; University of Delaware, Newark, assistant professor of French and coordinator for foreign language education, 1990-91; University of Missouri- Columbia, assistant professor, 1991-97, associate professor of French, linguistics, and curriculum and instruction, 1997-, coordinator for foreign language education, 1991-. Lecturer at colleges and high schools; translator and interpreter for state and local offices in Virginia; workshop leader and consultant. Publications: (ed. with E. Smith) Proceedings of the 1992 Mid- America Linguistics Conference and Conference on Siouan and Caddoan Languages, 1993; Haitian Immigrants in Black America: A Sociological and Sociolinguistic Portrait, 1996. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles and reviews to academic journals. Address: Department of Romance Languages, 143 Arts and Science, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211, U.S.A. Online address: langflor@showme.missouri.edu

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