Yudkin, Leon Israel

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YUDKIN, Leon Israel

YUDKIN, Leon Israel. British, b. 1939. Genres: Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Manchester, lecturer, 1966-96; University College London, lecturer, 1996-2002; University of Paris VIII, visiting professor. Publications: Isaac Lamdan: A Study in Twentieth-Century Hebrew Poetry, 1971; Escape into Siege, 1974; U.Z. Greenberg: On the Anvil of Hebrew Poetry, 1980, 1987; Jewish Writing and Identity in the Twentieth Century, 1982; 1948 and After: Aspects of Israeli Fiction, 1984; Else Lasker-Schueler: A Study in German-Jewish Literature, 1990; Beyond Sequence: Current Israeli Fiction and Its Context, 1992; A Home Within: Varieties of Jewish Expression in Modern Fiction, 1996; Public Crisis and Literary Response, 2001; Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust, 2003. EDITOR: (co) Meetings with the Angel (short story anthology), 1973; Modern Hebrew Literature in English Translation, 1986; Agnon. Texts and Contexts in English Translation, 1988; The Israeli Writer and the Holocaust, 1993; The Other in Israeli Literature, 1993. Address: 51 Hillside Ct, 409 Finchley Rd, London NW3 6HQ, England. Online address: l.yudkin@ucl.ac.uk

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