Youngblood, Denise J.
YOUNGBLOOD, Denise J. American, b. 1952. Genres: Film, History. Career: San Jose City College, San Jose, CA, visiting instructor in history, 1980; Russian Review, editorial assistant, 1980-82; American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Stanford, CA, assistant to the executive director, 1982-88; University of Vermont, Burlington, assistant professor, 1988-94, associate professor, 1994-99, professor and chair of history, 1999-. Publications: Soviet Cinema in the Silent Era, 1918-1935, 1985; Movies for the Masses: Popular Cinema and Soviet Society in the 1920s, 1992; The Magic Mirror: Moviemaking in Russia, 1908-1918, 1999. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles and reviews to professional journals. Address: Department of History, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, U.S.A. Online address: