York, Herbert (Frank)

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YORK, Herbert (Frank)

YORK, Herbert (Frank). American, b. 1921. Genres: International relations/Current affairs, Military/Defense/Arms control. Career: University of California, Berkeley, assistant professor, 1951-54, associate professor, 1954-59, professor of physics, 1959-61, chancellor emeritus of physics, 1988-, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, director, 1952-58; U.S. Dept. of Defense, Institute for Defense Analyses, Advanced Research Projects Division, director of research, 1958, Advanced Research Projects Agency, chief scientist, 1958, and director of defense research and engineering, 1958-61; University of California at San Diego, chancellor, 1961-64, 1970-72, professor and director of the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, 1961- 88, dean of graduate studies and research, 1964-70. Member of advisory boards and panels; U.S. Ambassador, Comprehensive Test Ban Negotiations, 1978-81. Publications: Race to Oblivion, 1970; Readings on Arms Control, 1973; The Advisers, 1976; Making Weapons, Talking Peace, 1987; Does Strategic Defense Breed Offense, 1987; (with S. Lakoff) A Shield in Space?, 1989; Arms and the Physicist, 1994. Address: 6110 Camino de la Costa, La Jolla, CA 92037-6520, U.S.A. Online address: hyork@ucsd.edu

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