Yesalis, Charles E(dward)
YESALIS, Charles E(dward)
YESALIS, Charles E(dward). American, b. 1946. Genres: Medicine/ Health, Sports/Fitness. Career: Substitute teacher at public schools in Romulus, MI, 1967; City of Denver, Department of Health and Hospitals, Denver, CO, administrative assistant, 1971; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, instructor in health care organization, 1975-76, research associate at Health Services Research and Development Center, 1975-76, senior research associate, 1976; University of Iowa, Iowa City, assistant professor of epidemiology, 1976-81, associate professor, 1981-86; Pennsylvania State University, University Park, professor of exercise and sport science, and of health policy and administration, 1986-. Consultant to the Drug Enforcement Administration, National Collegiate Athletic Association, and the television science series Nova; National Institute on Sport Reform, advisory board. Publications: (with V. Cowart) The Steroids Game, 1998. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: Anabolic Steroids in Sport and Exercise, 1993, 2nd ed., 2000; (with M. Bahrke) Performance Enhancing Substances in Sport & Exercise, 2002. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles and reviews to medical and professional journals and to popular magazines. Address: Dept of Health Policy and Administration, 115 Henderson Bldg, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A. Online address: